Debug School

Ananya Awasthi
Ananya Awasthi

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#Assignment 1


ques- What is CI?

CI stands for continuous integration. It is one of the fundamental concept in Devops. CI is software dev. practice where team members integrate their work.
In CI ,whenever developer writes , makes changes to code and pushes it to the source code repo., those changes are automatically integrated and the code is made to undergo stages like build,test deploy. This process happens frequently and helps in reduced defects in code, better code quality and better feedback.

Ques-What is continuous delivery
Continous delivery is a practice in Devops which involves continual pushing of code changes to an environment (from dev to test and later to prod ) after multiple stages of testing ensuring that new features are ready for release any time. In Continous delivery pushing releases to prod require manual trigger.

Ques-What is continuous deployment
Continous deployment involves continual pushing of code changes to an environment (from dev to test and later to prod ) after multiple stages of testing ensuring that new features are ready for release any time. In Continous delivery pushing releases to prod happens automatically and no manual trigger is involved.

Ques-What is Cloudbees?
Cloudbees is a compnay that provides tools for automating the software development lifecycle. They offer platform to automate software development process like building, testing ,deploying ,releasing applications.

What is Cloudbees CD RO?
Cloudbees CDRO is a software release automation tool that simplifies provisioning, building and release of multi tier applications.

Ques-What is Cloudbees CD RO Architecture? -
Cloudbees CDRO is a software release automation tool that simplifies provisioning, building and release of multi tier applications.
It allows teams to coordinate multiple pipelines and releases across hybrid infrastructure in efficient way.
It consists of 3 tier architecture involving --
Agents, Database and Cloudbees CDRO Server.

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