Debug School


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Day 1 Assignment 1

Program 1 – Write a Ansible Adhoc Commands to create a group called “deploy"

ansible localhost -m group -a "name=Deploy state=present"

program 2 - Write a Ansible Adhoc Commands to create a group called “deploy

ansible localhost -m user -a "name=deploy-user group=deploy shell=/bin/bash state=present"

Program 5 – Write a Ansible commands to create a file called “index.html” in /var/www/html with some dummy html contents.

ansible localhost -m file -a "path= /var/www/html/index.html state=touch mode=0644"

ansible localhost -m lineinfile -a "path=/var/www/html/index.html line='

My Web Page

Hello, this is my web page.


Program 7 – Write a Ansible commands to install a package called “git”, “wget”.

ansible localhost -m yum -a "name=git,wget state=present"

Program 8 – Write a Ansible Adhoc commands to clone git repo.

ansible localhost -m git -a "repo= dest=/path/to/destination"

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