Debug School


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1. What is datadog agent?
The Datadog Agent is software that runs on your hosts.It collects events and metrics from hosts and sends them to Datadog, where you can analyze your monitoring and performance data. The Datadog Agent is open source and its source code is available on GitHub.

2.Ports used in datadog agent?

Image description

3.Techniques for troubleshooting datadog?

  • Is the Datadog API key set up in your datadog.yaml configuration file the API key corresponding to your Datadog platform?

  • Is the site configured in your datadog.yaml configuration file matching the one from your organization?

  • Is there only one Datadog Agent running on your host?

  • Did you restart the Datadog Agent after editing a yaml configuration file?

4.Type of Datadog Agent
Collector and Dogstatsd.

5.Locate how to enable Logs monitoring in datadog.yaml?
Edit the datadog.yaml file and locate the logs & section and set enabled,false to enabled:true.

*6.Top 5 commands with simple explanation troubleshooting Datadog *
$ systemctl start datadog-agent
$ systemctl stop datadog-agent
$ systemctl restart datadog-agent
$ systemctl status datadog-agent
$ datadog-agent config

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