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DataDog Assignment-Infra Answers

  1. What is Datadog Agent? Ans: Datadog Agent is a software as a service which monitors, logs the host on which it runs. It is a observability platform.
  2. What are list of methods to send data to Datadog? Ans: We can Integrate AWS, GCP for the data and also using API
  3. Top 10 commands of Datadog Agent Ans: systemctl restart datadog-agent systemctl start datadog-agent systemctl stop datadog-agent systemctl status datadog-agent datadog-agent config datadog-agent configcheck datadog-agent status datadog-agent health datadog-agent version datadog-agent hostname 4.Top 10 Techniques for troubleshooting Datadog Agent Ans: check the agent status, health and restart the agent. 5.Top 10 Metrices of Linux Servers which you should care it? Ans: Load, CPU, Memory, Process, Network, Plugins
  4. Write down the steps to enable any integration in datadog? Ans: Install datadog-agent Integrate any service like apache by going to Integration- Integrations and search for the service and Install it. Follow the steps to configure that connection in the config files. Validate. 7.Top 10 Metrices of Windows Servers which you should care it? Ans: Load, CPU, Memory, Process, Network, Plugins 8.Top 5 Metrices of Apache which you should not miss it? Ans: CPU, number of requests hit, total hits, response time, performance

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