What is Namespaces? Explain with Image
- A logical separation of different pods running across multiple nodes , that will avoid unwanted access / un controllable resource usage by multiple developer groups who are using the cluster
What is Pod? Explain with Image
- The unit of scheduler . A pod can run multiple docker container inside it . User cant login inside , but login inside contaner of a pod . Pods can be scaled up & scaled down based on need basis
What is Replica Sets? Explain with Image
- The overriden feature of Replica Controller . If user wants to scale up / scale down pods . then a object of replica set needs to be created , & scalling can be applied to the corresponding pod mapped to the replica set . If user wants to scale uo multiple pod doing multiple functionaly , individual replica set needs to be created for each pod
What is Deployment? Explain with Image
- Deployment is wrapper of replicaset + pod . versioning of softwares can be managed by roll out / rollback / versioning feature of deployment cmd . 90% user across the industry uses deployment feature rather individually creating pod & replicaset
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