Debug School

Neha Hastir Chawla
Neha Hastir Chawla

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Image description## Q1 - What is helm?
helm is a package manager for kubernetes

Q1 - Top 5 reason for using helm?

    1. deployment in simplest way
    2. easy to manage multiple yml files
    3. easy installing and  upgrading of application 
    4. we can version the releases
    5. using value.yml file we can parameterized the 
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Q3 - How helm works? Inlcude some pic

    Developer gets the chart from Helm CHart Repo 
    Then it will do some editing and deploy the charts into 
    Kubernetes cluster API 
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Q4 - Helm Architecture?

     1. developer--create chart ---uploads to chart repo
     2. User ---get chart from repo----do required editing and 
     install on Kubernetes API cluster
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Q5 - What is chart and what it contains?

    chart contains a structured directory of YML files
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