Debug School

Nilesh Kumar
Nilesh Kumar

Posted on

Steps to create docker image

Here we are trying to create an image out of base ubuntu image.


How to create an image?

Method - 1 - using containers - 1 Layer a time == docker commit

Method - 2 - using Dockerfile - N Layer a time == docker build

Method - 1 - using containers - 1 Layer a time == docker commit

IMAGE= ubuntu + git + apache2 + java

237 docker run -itd --name raj1 ubuntu
238 docker ps
239 docker exec -it raj1 /bin/bash

INSIDE Container

apt-get update
apt-get install git
apt-get install apache2
apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk -y

240 docker ps
241 clear
242 docker history ubuntu
243 docker ps
244 docker commit -m"up-ub-git-ap-java" -a"Rajesh Kumar" up-ub-git-ap-java
245 docker history ubuntu
246 docker history up-ub-git-ap-java
247 docker images
248 docker run -itd --name newcont up-ub-git-ap-java
249 docker ps
250 dcoker exec git
251 docker exec git
252 docker exec java
253 docker exec which apache2

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