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Potukuchi Venkata Mahati
Potukuchi Venkata Mahati

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DevOps Training - Docker Questions - Assessment 4 : Day 2

What is a Docker image. Explain in 10 points.

  1. Docker image is a repository.
  2. It is just a name for human beings to remember instead of numbers.
  3. 100s of base docker images are stored in called registry.
  4. Docker image consists of multiple filesystems -- ROOTFS + USERFS + ... //This both together are called base image
  5. Docker image consists of multiple filesystems OR it is a collection of multiple filesystems.
  6. Docker image has file system versioning.
  7. File systems are called layers as they are on top of each other in the docker images.
  8. Each layer has a unique shad ID.
  9. All these layers merge to create one layer called mount.
  10. Mount gets attached during runtime to the user.
  11. Changes made like writing file, updating file, etc. are updated in both merged layer and image layer.
  12. For encrypting docker images, sha2-256bit algorithm is used.

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