Debug School

Rajesh Kumar
Rajesh Kumar

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PHP Array Questions and Answer

  1. What is Array in PHP? Write down top 10 real use cases of Array in programming?
  2. How to traverse array in PHP and print?
  3. What are types of Array in PHP. Plz provide explanation with example.
  4. How to create an empty array in PHP? explain with example
  5. How to get number of elements in an Array? explain with example
  6. What is difference between array_merge and array_combine?
  7. How to check a key exist in an array? explain with example
  8. How to create an array from PHP string? explain with example
  9. How to Delete an element from an array? explain with example
  10. List types of array are available in PHP? explain with example
  11. List functions available to sort an php array? explain with example
  12. How to convert a JSON string to an array in PHP? explain with example
  13. What is difference between count or sizeof function in php? explain with example
  14. How to remove duplicate values from PHP Array? explain with example
  15. How to get a random value from a PHP array? explain with example
  16. What is difference between array PUSH and POP? explain with example
  17. List of 20 Array functions in PHP with example

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