Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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Bash Assignment and Interview


Assignment 1

What is shell scripting?
Explain about the slow execution speed of shells?
Explain about role of shell in debugging?
Explain about Login shell?
Explain about non-login shell files
Explain about shebang?
What are conditions on which deadlock can occur while swapping the processes?
How can you tell what shell you are running on a UNIX system?
What is a daemon?
What is a zombie?
Explain about sort command?
Explain about exec?
Describe about awk and sed?
Explain about the command lynx?

Assignment 2

How do you find out what’s your shell?
How do you search for a string inside a directory?
How do you search for a string in a directory with the subdirectories recursed?
How do you list currently running process?
How do you fire a process in the background?
How does getopts command work?
How do you stop a process?
What does $# stand for?
If you have a string “one two three”, Which shell command would you use to extract the strings?
How do you schedule a command to run at 4:00 every morning?
How will you list only the empty lines in a file (using grep)?
When you login to a c shell, which script would be run first? (before the terminal is ready for the user)
How would you get the character positions 10-20 from a text file?
How would you print just the 25th line in a file (smallest possible script please)?
How would you replace the n character in a file with some xyz?
Special Parameters Used by Shell

How to find success/failure status of a command in different shells?
List all the users in Linux
How to change the permission of multiple files which has 655 to 755
Shell script to Print only Size and file name using unix command
How do you remove blank line using grep and sed in shell scripting?
List all the Groups and users in linux
How Do I Find Out CPU is 32bit or 64bit?
Another way to kill multiple processes easily is by adding the following two functions to the
How Do I Find Out CPU is 32bit or 64bit?

Assignment 3

How to print the current processid of current shell?
How to know the file that is entering randomly to my script?
What is trap?
What is shift in shell script?
How to run our script in background?
How to know the running back ground process id ?
How to print only directories?
How to print the directory only started with number?
How to grep two strings at a time?
How to grep a string that is started with some string and ends with some string like a…..b ?
How will you give access of your script to a particular user?
How to access background running scripts and their pid?
How to run our script in foreground?

Assignment 4

Create a directory such that anyone in the group can create a file and access any person’s file in it but none should be able to delete a file other than the one created by himself.
How can you find out how long the system has been running?
How can any user find out all information about a specific user like his default shell, real-life name, default directory, when and how long he has been using the system?
How will you copy a file from one machine to other?
I want to monitor a continuously updating log file, what command can be used to most efficiently achieve this?
I want to connect to a remote server and execute some commands, how can I achieve this?
I have 2 files and I want to print the records which are common to both.
I want to connect to a remote server and execute some commands, how can I achieve this?
I have 2 files and I want to print the records which are common to both.
How will you connect to a database server from Linux?
I want to read all input to the command from file1 direct all output to file2 and error to file 3, how can I achieve this?
What will happen to my current process when I execute a command using exec?
How will you emulate wc –l using awk?
Given a file find the count of lines containing the word “ABC”
What is the difference between grep and egrep?
How will you print the login names of all users on a system?
How will you print the login names of all users on a system?
How will you find the total disk space used by a specific user?
How can subroutines be declared and called in bash?
How do we delete all blank lines in a file?
How will I insert a line “ABCDEF” at every 100th line of a file?
Write a command sequence to find all the files modified in less than 2 days and print the record count of each.
How to check a directory exists or not using bash?
How to cut and print some part of a string data in bash?
How can a bash script be terminated without executing all statements?
How to make a bash file executable?
How can you print a particular line of a file in bash?
How to find out the length of a string data?
How to run multiple bash script in parallel?


Write a Shell Script for output a specified directory’s size.
Write a Shell Bash Script for evaluate the status of a file/directory.
Write a Shell Bash Script for report server related information
Write a Shell Bash Script for report if CPU usage exceeds the threshold
Write a Shell Bash Script for check if the disk space crosses the limit
Write a Shell Bash Script for gather information related to server
Write a Shell Bash Script for backup a local file into a remote server
Write a Shell Bash Script for show hardware information for systems Linux
Write a Shell Bash Script for show CPU temperature


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