Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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Different way to setup chat system using langchain framework

Straightforward Query with llm.invoke
System-Level Instruction with ChatPromptTemplate
Using a Custom Chain with Preprocessing
Using a Retriever to Enhance Context
Multi-Turn Chat with Memory

Straightforward Query with llm.invoke
This is the simplest and most direct approach.

from langchain_core.llms import OpenAI

# Initialize the LLM
llm = OpenAI(model="text-davinci-003")

# Straightforward query
response = llm.invoke("What is generative AI?")
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Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can generate new content, such as text, images, or audio, based on the patterns they have learned from data.
System-Level Instruction with ChatPromptTemplate
This approach involves specifying system-level roles and behaviors.

from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.llms import OpenAI

# Initialize the LLM
llm = OpenAI(model="gpt-4")

# Create a chat prompt template
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
    ("system", "You are an expert AI Engineer. Provide precise and detailed answers."),
    ("user", "{input}")

# Inject input dynamically and query
response = prompt | llm
result = response.invoke({"input": "Explain the concept of Langsmith."})
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Langsmith is a tool designed to help developers test, evaluate, and optimize AI models by creating structured workflows and managing prompts effectively. It enables streamlined deployment of AI-powered applications.
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Using a Custom Chain with Preprocessing
Here, you preprocess the input before sending it to the LLM, useful for ensuring cleaner or normalized queries.

from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.llms import OpenAI

# Preprocessing function
def preprocess_input(user_input):
    return user_input.strip().capitalize() + "?"

# Initialize the LLM
llm = OpenAI(model="gpt-4")

# Create a chain with a prompt
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
    ("system", "You are an AI assistant. Provide concise and accurate answers."),
    ("user", "{input}")

chain = prompt | llm

# Preprocess input and invoke the chain
input_query = preprocess_input("what is LangChain?")
response = chain.invoke({"input": input_query})
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LangChain is a framework that allows developers to build robust AI applications by combining language models with external data sources, APIs, and tools.
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Using a Retriever to Enhance Context
This approach combines a retriever (e.g., a vector database) to provide additional context before querying the LLM.

from langchain_core.llms import OpenAI
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings

# Load or create a vector database (simulated here)
documents = ["LangChain is a framework for building applications powered by language models.",
             "Langsmith is used for testing and deploying AI workflows."]
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()
db = FAISS.from_texts(documents, embeddings)

# Initialize the LLM
llm = OpenAI(model="gpt-4")

# Retrieve context
query = "What is Langsmith?"
retrieved_docs = db.similarity_search(query)

# Combine retrieved context with user query
context = "\n".join([doc.page_content for doc in retrieved_docs])
full_query = f"Context: {context}\nQuestion: {query}"

# Invoke the LLM
response = llm.invoke(full_query)
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Langsmith is a tool for testing and deploying AI workflows. It works seamlessly with frameworks like LangChain to ensure robust and reliable applications.
Multi-Turn Chat with Memory
This approach enables dynamic, multi-turn conversations using memory to retain context across queries.

from langchain_core.llms import OpenAI
from langchain_core.memory import ConversationMemory
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate

# Initialize memory
memory = ConversationMemory()

# Initialize the LLM
llm = OpenAI(model="gpt-4")

# Create a chat prompt template
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
    ("system", "You are a knowledgeable AI assistant. Keep track of the conversation context."),
    ("user", "{input}")

# Chain the memory with the LLM
chain = memory | prompt | llm

# First question
response_1 = chain.invoke({"input": "What is generative AI?"})
print(f"First Response: {response_1}")

# Second question with memory
response_2 = chain.invoke({"input": "How does it differ from traditional AI?"})
print(f"Second Response: {response_2}")
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First Response: Generative AI refers to systems capable of generating new content, such as text, images, or music, based on learned patterns from data.

Second Response: Generative AI differs from traditional AI in its ability to create new data,

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