Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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How to concatnates data to list

Using List comprhension
Using Append

First Method

Given data

url_list = [
    # ... other URLs ...
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and you want to add "" to each element to make them absolute URLs, you can use a list comprehension to achieve this:

# Given list of relative URLs
url_list = [
    # ... other URLs ...

# Add the base URL to each element
full_urls = ['' + url for url in url_list]

# Print the full URLs
for url in full_urls:

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This code will create a new list full_urls where each element is an absolute URL by adding "" to the beginning of each URL in the original url_list.

url_list = [
    # ... other URLs ...

full_url_list = []  # Create a new list for full URLs

for url in url_list:
    full_url = "" + url

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Second Method

url_list = []
tbody = soup.find('tbody')
if tbody:
    for tr in tbody.find_all('tr'):
        tds = tr.find_all('td')

        if len(tds) >= 0:
            second_td_content = tds[1].text
            a_tag = tds[1].find('a')
            url = a_tag['href']
            full_url = "" + url

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