Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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list of gitlab commands

git init: Initialize a new Git repository.

Example: git init
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git clone [repository URL]: Clone a remote Git repository.

Example: git clone
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git add [file(s)]: Add file(s) to the staging area.

Example: git add file.txt
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git commit -m "message": Commit changes to the repository.

Example: git commit -m "Added new feature"
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git status: Show the status of the working tree.

Example: git status
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git push: Push local changes to a remote repository.

Example: git push origin master
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git pull: Fetch and merge changes from a remote repository.

Example: git pull origin master
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git branch: List all branches in the repository.

Example: git branch
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git branch [branch name]: Create a new branch.

Example: git branch feature-branch
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git checkout [branch name]: Switch to a different branch.
Example: git checkout feature-branch

git merge [branch name]: Merge a branch into the current branch.

Example: git merge feature-branch
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git diff: Show differences between the working directory and the staging area.

Example: git diff
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git log: View commit history.

Example: git log
  git log --oneline
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git remote add [name] [URL]: Add a new remote repository.
Example: git remote add origin

git remote -v: List all remote repositories.
Example: git remote -v

git fetch: Fetch changes from a remote repository.
Example: git fetch origin

git reset [file]: Unstage a file.
Example: git reset file.txt

git reset [commit]: Reset the repository to a specific commit.
Example: git reset HEAD~1

git revert [commit]: Revert a commit.
Example: git revert abcdef123456

git stash: Stash changes in a dirty working directory.
Example: git stash

git stash list: List all stashes.
Example: git stash list

git stash apply: Apply the most recent stash.
Example: git stash apply

git stash pop: Apply and remove the most recent stash.
Example: git stash pop

git stash drop: Remove a stash.
Example: git stash drop

git tag: List all tags in the repository.
Example: git tag

git tag [tag name]: Create a new tag.
Example: git tag v1.0.0

git tag -a [tag name] -m "message": Create an annotated tag.
Example: git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Release version 1.0.0"

git show [tag/commit]: Show information about a specific tag or commit.
Example: git show v1.0.0

git remote remove [name]: Remove a remote repository.
Example: git remote remove origin

git remote rename [old name] [new name]: Rename a remote repository.
Example: git remote rename origin upstream

git clean: Remove untracked files from the working directory.
Example: git clean -f

git cherry-pick [commit]: Apply a specific commit to the current branch.
Example: git cherry-pick abcdef123456

git rebase [branch]: Reapply commits on top of another branch.
Example: git rebase master

git config --global [name]: Set your Git username.
Example: git config --global "John Doe"

git config --global [email]: Set your Git email.
Example: git config --global ""

git log --graph: Show commit history in a graph.
Example: git log --graph

git blame [file]: Show who last modified each line of a file.

Example: git blame file.txt
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git submodule add [repository URL]: Add a Git submodule.
Example: git submodule add
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git submodule init: Initialize submodules.
Example: git submodule init

git submodule update: Update submodules to the latest commit.
Example: git submodule update

 git origin -v
  git remote -v
  git pull origin rakesh
  git branch
  git checkout -b rakesh
  git branch
  git pull origin rakesh
  git pull origin rakesh --allow-unrelated-histories
  git log --oneline
git branch
 git push origin rakesh
 git pull origin new-develop
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push your code from a local repository to a remote repository

branch on GitLab, you can follow these steps:

Initialize the Git repository:
If you haven't already done so, navigate to your local repository directory in the terminal and run the following command to initialize a Git repository:

git init
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Add and commit your changes:
Use the following commands to add the files you want to commit and create a commit with a descriptive message:

git add .
git commit -m "Your commit message"
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Add the remote repository:
To specify the remote repository URL, run the following command:

git remote add origin <remote_repository_url>
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Replace with the URL of your remote repository on GitLab.

Push the code to the remote repository:
To push your local repository's branch to the remote repository, use the following command:

git push origin <local_branch_name>:<remote_branch_name>
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Replace with the name of your local branch and with the name of the branch you want to push to on the remote repository.

Here's an example:
Let's say you have a local branch named "feature-branch" that you want to push to the "main" branch on your remote repository on GitLab. The commands would look like this:

git add .
git commit -m "Adding new feature"
git remote add origin
git push origin feature-branch:main
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