Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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list out application of redis in different field

Application of Redis in different field
Implemention of Redis in News Website
Implemention of Redis in Ecommerce Website
Difference Between Redis::set and Cache::remember in Laravel

Application of Redis in different field

Web Development
Use Case: Caching
Example: A news website like BBC or CNN uses Redis to cache frequently accessed content (e.g., homepage data, popular articles) to reduce load times and database queries.
Use Case: Session Store
Example: E-commerce platforms like Amazon store user session data in Redis for quick retrieval, enabling faster page reloads and cart retrievals.
Use Case: Leaderboards
Example: Online games like Fortnite use Redis Sorted Sets to manage real-time leaderboards efficiently.
Use Case: Real-Time Updates
Example: Multiplayer games store game state data in Redis for real-time synchronization between players.
Use Case: Transaction Caching
Example: Payment gateways like PayPal use Redis to cache transaction data to ensure high availability and low latency.
Use Case: Rate Limiting
Example: Banking apps limit the number of OTP requests or login attempts using Redis as a counter.
Use Case: Patient Record Management
Example: Healthcare platforms like MyChart use Redis for quick access to patient records and appointment schedules.
Use Case: Real-Time Monitoring
Example: IoT devices in hospitals use Redis to store and analyze patient vitals in real-time.
Use Case: Shopping Cart Management
Example: Platforms like Shopify use Redis to manage shopping cart data for faster retrieval and a smoother user experience.
Use Case: Inventory Management
Example: Redis is used to track inventory changes in real-time to prevent overselling.
Media and Entertainment
Use Case: Content Recommendation
Example: Netflix uses Redis to store user viewing histories and generate personalized recommendations.
Use Case: Analytics
Example: Redis stores real-time engagement metrics for videos, such as likes, views, and shares.
Social Media
Use Case: News Feeds
Example: Platforms like Twitter use Redis to store and display real-time feeds to users.
Use Case: Messaging
Example: Redis powers real-time messaging systems, enabling low-latency communication between users.
IoT and Industry 4.0
Use Case: Sensor Data Storage
Example: Smart home systems like Nest store sensor readings in Redis for immediate processing and decision-making.
Use Case: Real-Time Analytics
Example: Manufacturing units use Redis to store and analyze sensor data for predictive maintenance.
Travel and Hospitality
Use Case: Dynamic Pricing
Example: Airlines and hotels use Redis to calculate real-time pricing based on demand and availability.
Use Case: Search and Recommendations
Example: Booking platforms like Expedia use Redis to cache search results and provide faster recommendations.
Use Case: Learning Management Systems
Example: Platforms like Coursera use Redis to cache course data and user progress for better performance.
Use Case: Real-Time Notifications
Example: Redis Pub/Sub is used to notify students about live class schedules or assignment deadlines.
Use Case: Personalized Promotions
Example: Retail apps use Redis to store customer data and deliver targeted ads or discounts in real time.
Use Case: Queue Management
Example: Redis is used to manage online order queues during high-traffic events like Black Friday sales.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Use Case: Feature Store
Example: Redis is used in ML pipelines to store features for quick access during model training and serving.
Use Case: Model Serving
Example: AI systems like chatbots cache frequently used data and responses in Redis for faster interactions.
Real-Time Collaboration Tools
Use Case: Document Editing
Example: Tools like Google Docs use Redis to store real-time changes and synchronize them across multiple users.
Use Case: Messaging and Notifications
Example: Redis Pub/Sub is used to handle real-time messaging in platforms like Slack.

Caching Database Queries
Reduce database load by caching query results.


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;

$users = Cache::remember('users_list', 3600, function () {
    return \App\Models\User::all(); // Fetch data from DB only if not cached
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Command to Clear Cache:

php artisan cache:clear
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namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class UserController extends Controller
    // Fetch a user by ID with caching
    public function getUser($id)
        // Define a cache key
        $cacheKey = "user_{$id}";

        // Fetch user from cache or database
        $user = Cache::remember($cacheKey, 3600, function () use ($id) {
            return User::find($id); // Fetch from database if not in cache

        if (!$user) {
            return response()->json(['message' => 'User not found'], 404);

        return response()->json($user);

    // Clear a specific user's cache
    public function clearUserCache($id)
        $cacheKey = "user_{$id}";

        return response()->json(['message' => "Cache cleared for user {$id}"]);

    // Create a new user (also clears cache)
    public function createUser(Request $request)
            'name' => 'required|string|max:255',
            'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email',

        $user = User::create($request->all());

        // Clear cache for this user (just in case)

        return response()->json(['message' => 'User created successfully', 'user' => $user]);
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Image description

Creating a User
Use a POST request to create a new user:

POST http://localhost/user
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": ""
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    "message": "User created successfully",
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": "",
        "created_at": "2024-12-10T10:00:00.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-12-10T10:00:00.000000Z"
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Session Storage in Redis
Store user sessions in Redis for fast access.

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Code Example: Session data is automatically stored in Redis. You can retrieve or update sessions as usual:

session(['user_name' => 'John Doe']);
echo session('user_name'); // Output: John Doe
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Redis Command to View Sessions:

keys *      # View all keys
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get laravel_session:your_session_id # Retrieve a specific session
Rate Limiting
Use Redis to limit the rate of API requests to protect your application from abuse.

Code Example:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\RateLimiter;

RateLimiter::for('api', function ($job) {
    return Limit::perMinute(60)->by($job->user_id);

// Middleware usage
Route::middleware('throttle:api')->group(function () {
    Route::get('/user', function () {
        return 'API Response';
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Command to Monitor:

redis-cli monitor
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Queue Management
Redis is often used as a queue backend to process jobs efficiently.

Update .env:

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Code Example:

dispatch(new \App\Jobs\ProcessDataJob($data));
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Run Queue Worker:

php artisan queue:work --queue=default
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Cache Tags
Use Redis cache tags for grouping related cache items, making it easier to clear related data.

Cache::tags(['users', 'admins'])->put('user_1', $userData, 3600);
Cache::tags(['users', 'admins'])->put('user_2', $userData, 3600);
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Storing Complex Data
Redis supports storing serialized objects or JSON data for complex queries.

$data = ['name' => 'John', 'email' => ''];

// Store JSON
Cache::put('user:1', json_encode($data), 3600);

// Retrieve JSON
$user = json_decode(Cache::get('user:1'), true);
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get user:1
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Expiring Counters
Implement counters that expire after a certain time.

Redis::expire('page_views', 3600); // Expire after 1 hour
$pageViews = Redis::get('page_views');
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Real-Time Notifications
Store real-time notifications in Redis for fast retrieval.

Code Example:

Redis::publish('notifications', json_encode([
    'user_id' => 1,
    'message' => 'You have a new message!',
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Subscribe to Channel (Client-Side): Use or similar technologies to listen for the Redis notifications channel.


Implemention of Redis in News Website

In env mention

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use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use App\Models\News;

class NewsController extends Controller
    public function getHomePageNews()
        $news = Cache::remember('home_page_news', 3600, function () {
            return News::latest()->take(5)->get();

        return response()->json($news);
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Second Way

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis;
use App\Models\News;

class NewsController extends Controller
    public function getHomePageNews()
        // Check if news exists in Redis
        if (Redis::exists('home_page_news')) {
            // Fetch from Redis
            $news = json_decode(Redis::get('home_page_news'));
        } else {
            // Fetch from DB and store in Redis
            $news = News::latest()->take(5)->get();
            Redis::set('home_page_news', $news->toJson());
            Redis::expire('home_page_news', 3600); // Set TTL (time-to-live) in seconds

        return response()->json($news);
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Third Way

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use App\Models\News;

class NewsController extends Controller
    public function getHomePageNews()
        $news = Cache::tags(['news'])->remember('home_page_news', 3600, function () {
            return News::latest()->take(5)->get();

        return response()->json($news);

    public function clearNewsCache()
        Cache::tags(['news'])->flush(); // Clear only the news-related cache
        return response()->json(['message' => 'News cache cleared.']);

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Fourth way

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis;
use App\Models\News;

class NewsController extends Controller
    public function getHomePageNews()
        // Check if the key exists in Redis
        if (Redis::exists('home_page_news')) {
            // Fetch data from Redis
            $news = json_decode(Redis::get('home_page_news'));
        } else {
            // Fetch data from the database and store it in Redis
            $news = News::latest()->take(5)->get();
            Redis::set('home_page_news', $news->toJson()); // Store as JSON in Redis
            Redis::expire('home_page_news', 3600); // Optional: Set expiration time in seconds

        return response()->json($news);

    public function clearNewsCache()
        // Clear the Redis key manually
        return response()->json(['message' => 'Cache cleared.']);
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Difference Between Redis::set and Cache::remember in Laravel

Both Redis::set and Cache::remember allow data storage for quick retrieval, but they are used differently and serve distinct purposes in Laravel applications.
The Redis::set method directly interacts with Redis as a key-value store, bypassing Laravel’s cache abstraction layer.

Key Characteristics:
Direct Access: Interacts directly with Redis, giving you full control over Redis commands.
Low-Level API: Allows for fine-grained operations like setting expiration (expire), incrementing counters, or working with Redis data types (e.g., hashes, sets).
No Abstraction: Does not use Laravel’s caching system, so it won't benefit from cache tagging or integration with other storage mechanisms.
Persistence: Only works with Redis, so switching to another cache backend (like Memcached) would require significant code changes.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis;

// Set a value in Redis
Redis::set('key', 'value');

// Get the value
$value = Redis::get('key');

// Set a value with expiration (TTL in seconds)
Redis::set('key', 'value');
Redis::expire('key', 3600); // Expires after 1 hour
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  • Direct and efficient.
  • Full control over Redis-specific features.
  • Can work with Redis advanced data types (e.g., lists, sets).
  • Disadvantages:
  • Requires manual handling of TTLs and cache invalidation.
  • Tied to Redis, limiting flexibility if backend changes . Cache::remember The Cache::remember method is a high-level abstraction provided by Laravel’s caching system. It integrates seamlessly with Laravel's configuration and can work with multiple caching backends (Redis, Memcached, file, etc.).

Key Characteristics:

  • Abstraction Layer: Part of Laravel’s caching layer, which supports multiple cache drivers.
  • Auto-Expiration: Automatically handles TTL (time-to-live) and refreshing cached data.
  • Convenience: Simplifies cache retrieval and population in a single call.
  • Flexibility: Can easily switch between caching backends (Redis, Memcached, etc.) by changing the CACHE_DRIVER in .env . Example:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;

// Cache the value for 1 hour (3600 seconds)
$value = Cache::remember('key', 3600, function () {
    return 'value';

// Retrieve the value
$value = Cache::get('key');
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Simplifies cache population and retrieval logic.
Backend-agnostic: Can switch caching mechanisms by changing configuration.
Supports cache tagging (grouping of cached items).
Handles expiration and retrieval in a single operation.
Limited to operations supported by Laravel's cache abstraction.
May not provide access to Redis-specific advanced features.

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When to Use Which?

When you need direct access to Redis features, such as advanced data types, manual TTL handling, or atomic operations.
When working with Redis-specific use cases like pub/sub, sorted sets, or lists.

When you want a clean, backend-agnostic caching solution for simple key-value pairs.
When you prioritize ease of use and integration with Laravel's ecosystem.
When you want to switch between caching backends easily.

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