Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

Posted on

Flutter:SHA1 fingerprint already used by another OAuth2 client


Some time ago I created a project in Google Developers Console with Oauth2 client id for android app with package name and SHA1 fingerprint. Somehow the project got created without project id, which prevented me from deploying it to App Engine. I deleted the project, recreated it and now trying to add a new client id with the same package name and SHA1 fingerprint. A month after deleting the original project I'm getting "The signing fingerprint you specified is already used by another Android OAuth2 client". Is there a way to reuse package name and SHA1 fingerprint with the new project?

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here I already use Android client for (auto created by Google Service) for pakagee com.example.holidaylandmark in project holidayapp

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*NOW, i want to generate *

Android client for (auto created by Google Service) for pakagee ` com.example.holidaylandmark in project holiday

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in Image description

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it show error

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apply plugin: ''

it connects to

This doesn't sound like a SO resolvable issue.

It seems like your SHA1 fingerprint is still associated with a deleted project (which is probably in limbo). Google Support is the only one who can help you.

Delete **
Android client for (auto created by Google Service) for pakagee ` **com.example.holidaylandmark
in project holidayapp

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now follow the Proedure

after download
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