Debug School


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Questions for DAY 2

1-What is a NameSpace?
Name Space is Logical cluster division in which we divide the resources constraint of a cluster in a logical way such that changes done for one Utility doesn't affect others

2- What is Pod?
Pod is the smallest atomic unit of a kubernetes cluster which is instantiated by kubelet. Its a logical unit to merge a container . It cannot be accesed as its never created . There can be more than one container in a Pod

3- What is replicaset?
Replicaset is a Kubernetes object which are capable of creating replicas of the pods to n number of times if by chance any of the pod goes down then they can Auto-Heal it by adding new pods in place of the pods which have gone down.

4- What is Deployment?
Deployment is a Kubernetes object where we can Control Replicas of a pod similar to replicasets but it gives an additional advantage of switching between the versions that is we can Rollout a new version but at same time if needed we can Rollback to the previous version.

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