1. What does AJAX stand for?
a) Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
b) Asynchronous JavaScript and XHTML
c) Asynchronous JSON and XML
d) Asynchronous JavaScript and HTML
Answer: a) Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
2. Which HTTP methods are commonly used in AJAX requests?
a) GET and POST
Answer: a) GET and POST
3. What is the main advantage of using AJAX in web development?
a) Improved performance and responsiveness
b) Easier server-side programming
c) Enhanced security
d) Better cross-browser compatibility
Answer: a) Improved performance and responsiveness
4. Which object is used to create an AJAX request in JavaScript?
a) XMLHttpRequest
b) JSONRequest
c) FetchRequest
d) AjaxRequest
Answer: a) XMLHttpRequest
5. What is the purpose of the XMLHttpRequest object in AJAX?
a) To send and receive data from a server asynchronously
b) To handle XML parsing in the browser
c) To create XML documents
d) To execute server-side code
Answer: a) To send and receive data from a server asynchronously
6. In AJAX, what is the purpose of the readyState property of the XMLHttpRequest object?
a) Indicates the current state of the AJAX request
b) Specifies the server to be used for the request
c) Defines the request method (GET, POST, etc.)
d) Sets the request headers
Answer: a) Indicates the current state of the AJAX request
7. How do you handle AJAX errors?
a) Using the onerror event handler
b) Using the catch block in a try-catch statement
c) Using the onsuccess event handler
d) Using the onreadystatechange event handler
Answer: a) Using the onerror event handler
8. Which function is used to send an AJAX request to the server?
a) open()
b) send()
c) submit()
d) request()
Answer: b) send()
9. What HTTP status code represents a successful AJAX request?
a) 200 OK
b) 404 Not Found
c) 500 Internal Server Error
d) 301 Moved Permanently
Answer: a) 200 OK
10. How can you handle AJAX responses in a callback function?
a) Using the responseText property of the XMLHttpRequest object
b) Using the parseResponse() method
c) Using the getResponse() function
d) Using the readResponse() method
Answer: a) Using the responseText property of the XMLHttpRequest object
11. Which method is used to set the HTTP request method in an AJAX request?
a) setMethod()
b) setRequestHeader()
c) setHTTPMethod()
d) setRequestMethod()
Answer:b) setRequestHeader()
12. What is the purpose of the async parameter in the open() method of the XMLHttpRequest object?
a) To specify whether the AJAX request should be asynchronous or synchronous
b) To set the server endpoint for the request
c) To specify the request method (GET, POST, etc.)
d) To set request headers
Answer: a) To specify whether the AJAX request should be asynchronous or synchronous
13. How do you cancel an ongoing AJAX request?
a) Call the abort() method on the XMLHttpRequest object
b) Set the canceled property to true
c) Use the cancel() method
d) There is no way to cancel an ongoing AJAX request
Answer: a)Call the abort() method on the XMLHttpRequest object
14. What is the purpose of the GET method in AJAX requests?
a) To retrieve data from the server
b) To submit form data to the server
c) To update data on the server
d) To delete data from the server
Answer: a) To retrieve data from the server
15. What is the purpose of the POST method in AJAX requests?
a) To submit form data to the server
b) To retrieve data from the server
c) To update data on the server
d) To delete data from the server
Answer: a) To submit form data to the server
16. Which object property contains the response data from an AJAX request?
a) responseText
b) responseData
c) responseContent
d) data
Answer: a) responseText
17. Which method is used to parse JSON data in JavaScript?
a) JSON.parse()
b) parseJSON()
c) parseJSONData()
d) stringifyJSON()
Answer: a) JSON.parse()
18. What is CORS in AJAX and why is it important?
a) Cross-Origin Resource Sharing; it allows or restricts cross-origin requests
b) Cross-Origin Request Sharing; it enables sharing of AJAX requests between different domains
c) Cross-Origin Response Sharing; it governs the response format in AJAX requests
d) Cross-Origin Request Security; it secures AJAX requests from unauthorized access
Answer: a) Cross-Origin Resource Sharing; it allows or restricts cross-origin requests
19. How do you handle JSONP requests in AJAX?
a) Use the JSONPRequest object
b) Use the fetch() method with a special option
c) Use the $.getJSON() function in jQuery
d) Use the parseJSON() method
Answer: C) Use the $.getJSON() function in jQuery
20. Which method is used to set a timeout for an AJAX request?
a) setTimeout()
b) setRequestTimeout()
c) setAjaxTimeout()
d) setTimedRequest()
Answer: a) setTimeout()
21. How can you serialize form data in AJAX for submission?
a) Using the serializeForm() method
b) Using the JSON.stringify() method
c) Using the serialize() method
d) Using the serializeData() method
Answer: c) Using the serialize() method
22. Which JavaScript framework provides built-in AJAX functionalities?
a) jQuery
b) Angular
c) React
d) Vue.js
Answer:a) jQuery
23. In AJAX, what is the purpose of the beforeSend callback function?
a) To perform actions before sending the AJAX request
b) To handle errors during the AJAX request
c) To handle the AJAX response
d) To set request headers
Answer:a) To perform actions before sending the AJAX request
24. What is the purpose of the cache option in AJAX requests?
a) To specify whether to cache the response
b) To specify the cache expiration time
c) To set caching rules for the server
d) To enable/disable browser caching
Answer: a) To specify whether to cache the response
25. Which method is used to perform AJAX requests in jQuery?
a) $.ajax()
b) ajaxRequest()
c) requestAjax()
d) performAjax()
Answer:a) $.ajax()
26. What is the purpose of the dataType option in AJAX requests?
a) To specify the expected data type of the response
b) To set the request method (GET, POST, etc.)
c) To specify the server endpoint
d) To set request headers
Answer:a)To specify the expected data type of the response
27. How can you handle AJAX requests in modern web development without using XMLHttpRequest directly?
a) Using the fetch() API
b) Using the $.ajax() method in jQuery
c) Using the request() function
d) Using the axios library
Answer:a)Using the fetch() API
28. What is the purpose of the timeout option in AJAX requests?
a) To specify the maximum time allowed for the request
b) To set the request method (GET, POST, etc.)
c) To specify the server endpoint
d) To handle AJAX errors
Answer:a)To specify the maximum time allowed for the request
29. What does JSON stand for?
a) JavaScript Object Notation
b) JavaScript Object Network
c) JavaScript Online Notation
d) JavaScript Object Node
Answer:a) JavaScript Object Notation
30. How do you handle AJAX requests in vanilla JavaScript without using external libraries or frameworks?
a) Using the XMLHttpRequest object
b) Using the $.ajax() method in jQuery
c) Using the fetch() API
d) Using the axios library
Answer:a) Using the XMLHttpRequest object
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