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Top 30 ASP.NET Interview Questions with Answers multiple choice style

1. What is ASP.NET?

a. A programming language
b. A web application framework
c. An operating system
d. A database management system
Answer: b. A web application framework

2. What does ASP.NET stand for?

a. Active Server Pages Network
b. Application Service Provider Network
c. Asynchronous Server Pages Network
d. Active Server Pages .NET
Answer: d. Active Server Pages .NET

3. Which programming languages can be used to develop ASP.NET applications?

a. C# and Visual Basic
b. Java and Python
c. PHP and Ruby
d. C++ and Perl
Answer: a. C# and Visual Basic

4. What is the purpose of ASP.NET MVC?

a. To create dynamic web pages
b. To build desktop applications
c. To create mobile applications
d. To develop scalable and maintainable web applications
Answer: d. To develop scalable and maintainable web applications

5. What is the file extension for an ASP.NET web form?

a. .aspx
b. .html
c. .xml
d. .cs
Answer: a. .aspx

6. What is the role of the code-behind file in ASP.NET?

a. Contains the HTML markup of the web form
b. Handles client-side events
c. Contains server-side code logic
d. Connects to the database
Answer: c. Contains server-side code logic

7. What is ViewState in ASP.NET?

a. Stores session data on the server
b. Stores page-specific information on the client-side
c. Manages server sessions
d. Manages authentication and authorization
Answer: b. Stores page-specific information on the client-side

8. What is the ASP.NET session state mode that stores session data in a SQL Server database?

a. InProc
b. StateServer
c. SQLServer
d. Custom
Answer: c. SQLServer

9. Which ASP.NET control is used to validate user input on the client-side?

a. Validator
b. ValidationSummary
c. RequiredFieldValidator
d. ValidationGroup
Answer: c. RequiredFieldValidator

10. Which HTTP method is used for a request that retrieves data from the server in ASP.NET?

a. GET
c. PUT
Answer: a. GET

11. What is the purpose of the Global.asax file in an ASP.NET application?

a. Contains application-wide settings and events
b. Defines global variables
c. Manages session data
d. Handles authentication and authorization
Answer: a. Contains application-wide settings and events

12. Which ASP.NET authentication mode stores user credentials in the configuration file?

a. Forms
b. Windows
c. Passport
d. None
Answer: a. Forms

13. What is the difference between Response.Redirect and Server.Transfer in ASP.NET?

a. Response.Redirect is a client-side redirect, while Server.Transfer is a server-side redirect.
b. Server.Transfer is a client-side redirect, while Response.Redirect is a server-side redirect.
c. Response.Redirect transfers control to a different page, while Server.Transfer does not change the URL in the browser.
d. Server.Transfer transfers control to a different page, while Response.Redirect does not change the URL in the browser.
Answer: d. Server.Transfer transfers control to a different page, while Response.Redirect does not change the URL in the browser.

14. Which ASP.NET control is used to display a popup message to the user?

a. MessageBox
b. PopupBox
c. AlertBox
d. MessageBox.Show()
Answer: d. MessageBox.Show()

15. What is the purpose of the App_Code folder in an ASP.NET application?

a. Contains HTML templates
b. Stores configuration files
c. Holds reusable source code files
d. Manages session data
Answer: c. Holds reusable source code files

16. Which event is fired after all controls on an ASP.NET web form have been initialized?

a. Load
b. Init
c. PreRender
d. Page_LoadComplete
Answer: a. Load

17. In ASP.NET, which state management technique is suitable for storing sensitive data like passwords?

a. ViewState
b. Cookies
c. Session
d. Application
Answer: c. Session

18. What is the purpose of the using statement in C# when dealing with resources in ASP.NET?

a. It ensures proper garbage collection of resources.
b. It defines a new namespace.
c. It declares a variable.
d. It includes a reference to a DLL.
Answer: a. It ensures proper garbage collection of resources.

19. Which class is used to handle errors in ASP.NET?

a. ExceptionHandler
b. ErrorManager
c. ErrorHandler
d. Exception
Answer: d. Exception

20. What is the correct way to implement caching in ASP.NET?

a. Using the CacheControl attribute
b. Using the Cache object
c. Using the CacheMode property
d. Using the CacheProvider interface
Answer: b. Using the Cache object

21. In ASP.NET, what is the purpose of the Page_Init event?

a) It occurs before the page is rendered.
b) It handles button click events.
c) It is used for session management.
d) It occurs after the page is rendered.
Answer: a) It occurs before the page is rendered.

22. What is the role of the ViewState in ASP.NET?

a) It stores user session data.
b) It maintains the state of page controls between postbacks.
c) It controls access to database connections.
d) It defines the application's routing.
Answer: b) It maintains the state of page controls between postbacks.

23. What is the purpose of the "using" statement in C# code used in ASP.NET?

a) It defines a new variable.
b) It imports namespaces.
c) It creates a new class.
d) It is used for debugging.
Answer: b) It imports namespaces.

24. What is the primary function of the Globalization and Localization features in ASP.NET?

a) They are used for database operations.
b) They enable multi-language support in web applications.
c) They handle user authentication.
d) They provide security features.
Answer: b) They enable multi-language support in web applications.

25. Which of the following is not a valid HTTP status code in ASP.NET?

a) 200 (OK)
b) 404 (Not Found)
c) 500 (Internal Server Error)
d) 302 (Moved Temporarily)
Answer: d) 302 (Moved Temporarily)

26. Which of the following is not a valid session state mode in ASP.NET?

a) InProc
b) SQLServer
c) StateServer
d) FileStore
Answer: d) FileStore

27. What is the default authentication mode in an ASP.NET application?

a) Forms authentication
b) None
c) Windows authentication
d) Passport authentication
Answer: b) None

28. What is the role of the "ConnectionString" attribute in ASP.NET?

a) It defines the server's IP address.
b) It specifies the encryption method used.
c) It stores user authentication data.
d) It specifies the database connection details.
Answer: d) It specifies the database connection details.

29. What is the purpose of the "using" directive at the top of a code-behind file in ASP.NET?

a) It specifies the application's name.
b) It imports namespaces.
c) It defines custom classes.
d) It sets the page's title.
Answer: b) It imports namespaces.

30. Which ASP.NET authentication mode is suitable for internet applications, where user credentials are stored in a centralized database?

a) Forms authentication
b) Windows authentication
c) Passport authentication
d) None
Answer: a) Forms authentication

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