1. What is C# primarily used for?
A. Web development
B. Game development
C. Windows application development
D. Data analysis
Answer: C
2. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# data type?
A. int
B. char
C. string
D. double
E. struct
Answer: E
3. What is the purpose of the "using" directive in C#?
A. To define a custom class
B. To specify namespaces that you want to use
C. To declare a variable
D. To include external libraries
Answer: B
4. In C#, how do you declare a constant variable?
A. const int x = 5;
B. final int x = 5;
C. readonly int x = 5;
D. var x = 5;
Answer: A
5. What is the purpose of the "var" keyword in C#?
A. To declare an integer variable
B. To declare a constant variable
C. To declare a variable with an inferred type
D. To declare a global variable
Answer: C
6. What does the "this" keyword refer to in C#?
A. It refers to the current class instance
B. It refers to the base class
C. It refers to a static variable
D. It refers to the current method
Answer: A
7. How do you create a new instance of a class in C#?
A. new instance MyClass();
B. create MyClass();
C. MyClass.create();
D. new MyClass();
Answer: D
8. Which keyword is used to inherit a class in C#?
A. inherits
B. extends
C. base
D. : (colon)
Answer: D
9. What is the purpose of the "get" and "set" accessors in a C# property?
A. To define the property's data type
B. To encapsulate the property's value
C. To access the base class properties
D. To specify the property's visibility
Answer: B
10. What is the difference between "String" and "StringBuilder" in C#?
A. String is mutable, and StringBuilder is immutable.
B. String is used for character manipulation, and StringBuilder is used for text manipulation.
C. String is immutable, and StringBuilder is mutable.
D. String is faster than StringBuilder.
Answer: C
11. Which of the following is an example of a reference type in C#?
A. int
B. double
C. struct
D. class
Answer: D
12. What is the purpose of the "try-catch" block in C#?
A. To declare variables
B. To define a loop
C. To handle exceptions
D. To create a new object
Answer: C
13. What is a delegate in C#?
A. A function pointer
B. A reference to a class
C. A class constructor
D. A class destructor
Answer: A
14. Which keyword is used to explicitly implement an interface in C#?
A. implement
B. interface
C. override
D. explicit
Answer: D
15. What does the "async" keyword in C# indicate?
A. That the method will run on a separate thread
B. That the method is asynchronous and may have "await" calls
C. That the method will run synchronously
D. That the method is static
Answer: B
16. How do you define an extension method in C#?
A. By using the "extension" keyword
B. By adding a static method to a static class and using the "this" keyword
C. By using the "extend" keyword
D. By adding a non-static method to a non-static class
Answer: B
17. What is the purpose of the "using" statement in C#?
A. To declare variables
B. To include external libraries
C. To define conditional statements
D. To create a new object
Answer: B
18. Which of the following access modifiers allows a member to be accessed only within its own class or struct in C#?
A. public
B. private
C. protected
D. internal
Answer: B
19. What is the purpose of the "sealed" keyword in C#?
A. To prevent a class from being inherited
B. To make a class abstract
C. To allow multiple inheritance
D. To make a class static
Answer: A
20. Which of the following collection types is not part of the C# standard library?
A. List
B. ArrayList
C. Dictionary
D. Queue
Answer: B
21. What is the purpose of the "LINQ" in C#?
A. To create graphical user interfaces
B. To query and manipulate data
C. To define class hierarchies
D. To create multi-threaded applications
Answer: B
22. How do you define a method that can be accessed without creating an instance of the class?
A. By using the "static" keyword
B. By making it public
C. By using the "const" keyword
D. By using the "new" keyword
Answer: A
23. What is the purpose of the "as" operator in C#?
A. To check if a reference is null
B. To perform a type cast
C. To compare two values
D. To create a new instance of a class
Answer: B
24. Which of the following is NOT a valid way to create a new thread in C#?
A. Thread.Start()
B. Task.Run()
C. new Thread()
D. Thread.BeginThread()
Answer: D
25. What does the "volatile" keyword in C# indicate?
A. That a variable can change its value at any time
B. That a variable cannot be changed
C. That a variable is constant
D. That a variable is synchronized
Answer: A
26. How do you define an event in C#?
A. By using the "event" keyword
B. By using the "delegate" keyword
C. By using the "EventHandler" keyword
D. By using the "eventhandler" keyword
Answer: A
27. What is the purpose of the "lock" statement in C#?
A. To lock a file
B. To lock a class
C. To synchronize access to a resource
D. To unlock a resource
Answer: C
28. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# loop?
A. for
B. do-while
C. repeat-until
D. while
Answer: C
29. What is the purpose of the "nameof" operator in C#?
A. To get the name of a method
B. To get the name of a class
C. To get the name of a variable
D. To get the name of a namespace
Answer: C
30. What is the purpose of the "base" keyword in C#?
A. To call a method in the base class
B. To define the base class
C. To create a base object
D. To declare a base variable
Answer: A
31. What does the "is" operator do in C#?
A. It checks for reference equality
B. It checks for type compatibility
C. It performs a logical OR operation
D. It performs a bitwise AND operation
Answer: B
32. How do you implement a custom exception class in C#?
A. By inheriting from the Exception class
B. By using the "throw" keyword
C. By using the "catch" block
D. By using the "try" block
Answer: A
33. What is the purpose of the "break" statement in C#?
A. To exit a loop or switch statement
B. To start a new iteration in a loop
C. To terminate a program
D. To skip the current iteration in a loop
Answer: A
34. Which of the following is NOT a valid access modifier in C#?
A. public
B. protected
C. internal
D. friend
Answer: D
35. What is the purpose of the "Nullable" type in C#?
A. To allow a variable to have a null value
B. To define a generic type
C. To create a nullable class
D. To implement a custom exception
Answer: A
36. What is the purpose of the "asynchronous" programming in C#?
A. To improve code readability
B. To allow parallel execution of tasks
C. To reduce memory usage
D. To decrease code complexity
Answer: B
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