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Top 30 Hadoop Interview Questions with Answers multiple choice style

1. What is Hadoop?

A. A programming language
B. A data warehousing solution
C. A distributed storage and processing framework
D. A database management system
Answer: C

2. What is the core component of Hadoop that manages storage and processing?

C. Pig
D. Hive
Answer: A

3. Which programming language is primarily used for Hadoop MapReduce?

A. Python
B. Java
C. C++
D. Ruby
Answer: B

4. What does HDFS stand for?

A. Hadoop Data File System
B. High-Density File System
C. Hadoop Distributed File System
D. High-Performance Data Storage
Answer: C

5. What is the purpose of the ResourceManager in Hadoop YARN?

A. Manages data storage
B. Manages resource allocation and job scheduling
C. Executes MapReduce tasks
D. Monitors HDFS health
Answer: B

6. Which Hadoop ecosystem component is used for data ingestion from various sources?

A. Sqoop
B. Flume
C. HBase
D. Spark
Answer: B

7. In Hadoop, what is the default block size for HDFS?

A. 128 MB
B. 256 MB
C. 512 MB
D. 64 MB
Answer: B

8. What is the primary purpose of Apache Hive?

A. Real-time data processing
B. Data warehousing and SQL-like queries
C. Streaming data analytics
D. Machine learning
Answer: B

9. Which Hadoop ecosystem component is used for real-time data processing and analytics?

A. HBase
B. Pig
C. Mahout
D. Spark
Answer: D

10. What is the Hadoop ecosystem component for batch processing and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)?

A. Oozie
B. Hue
C. Flume
D. Sqoop
Answer: A

11. What does the term "Map" refer to in Hadoop MapReduce?

A. The data after processing
B. The data before processing
C. A unit of computation
D. A graphical representation of data
Answer: B

12. What does the term "Reduce" refer to in Hadoop MapReduce?

A. The final output data
B. The initial input data
C. A unit of computation
D. A graphical representation of data
Answer: A

13. What is the default storage format in Hive?

A. Avro
B. Parquet
D. SequenceFile
Answer: D

14. Which Hadoop ecosystem component is a NoSQL database that provides real-time, random read/write access?

A. Pig
B. HBase
C. Hive
D. Sqoop
Answer: B

15. In Hadoop, what is the primary function of the NameNode?

A. Data storage
B. Resource management
C. Metadata management
D. Job scheduling
Answer: C

16. Which component of Hadoop is used to schedule, monitor, and manage workflows?

A. HBase
B. Oozie
C. Pig
Answer: B

17. What is the primary language for writing HBase applications?

A. Java
B. Python
C. Scala
D. Ruby
Answer: A

18. What does Hadoop Streaming allow you to do?

A. Stream live events on the Hadoop cluster
B. Write MapReduce jobs in languages other than Java
C. Stream data into HBase
D. Stream data into Hive
Answer: B

19. Which Hadoop ecosystem component is used for data warehousing and SQL querying?

A. Pig
B. HBase
C. Hive
D. Sqoop
Answer: C

20. What is the default data replication factor in HDFS?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: B

21. Which Apache project provides a data serialization system for Hadoop?

A. Avro
B. Flume
C. HBase
D. Pig
Answer: A

22. What is the primary purpose of Apache Pig?

A. Data ingestion
B. Real-time processing
C. Data transformation and ETL
D. Data warehousing
Answer: C

23. What does Hadoop ZooKeeper provide in the Hadoop ecosystem?

A. Job scheduling
B. Configuration management and synchronization services
C. Data storage
D. Real-time analytics
Answer: B

24. Which tool is used for managing and monitoring Hadoop clusters?

A. ZooKeeper
B. HBase
C. Ambari
D. Oozie
Answer: C

25. What is the default execution engine in Apache Spark?

A. Hadoop MapReduce
B. Spark SQL
D. Spark's own engine
Answer: D

26. In Hadoop, what is the purpose of the Secondary NameNode?

A. It acts as a standby NameNode for failover.
B. It performs regular checkpoints of the NameNode's metadata.
C. It is responsible for data replication.
D. It manages the allocation of resources in YARN.
Answer: B

27. Which Hadoop ecosystem component is used for data migration between Hadoop and relational databases?

A. Oozie
B. Flume
C. Sqoop
D. Pig
Answer: C

28. What is the primary goal of Hadoop's data shuffling phase in MapReduce?

A. Sorting and distributing data to reduce network traffic
B. Filtering data based on a specified criteria
C. Combining data from multiple sources
D. Transforming data into a structured format
Answer: A

29. What is the Hadoop ecosystem component for real-time stream processing?

A. Spark
B. Kafka
C. Flink
D. Hive
Answer: B

30. Which Hadoop ecosystem component provides a data storage system for real-time, distributed data processing?

A. Pig
B. Hive
C. Kafka
D. HBase
Answer: D

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