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Top 30 jquery Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is jQuery?

A. A server-side scripting language
B. A client-side scripting language
C. A database management system
D. A markup language
Answer: B

2. Which symbol is commonly used as a shorthand for the jQuery library?

A. $
B. #
C. *
D. &
Answer: A

3. What does the $ symbol typically represent in jQuery?

A. ID selector
B. Class selector
C. Element selector
D. jQuery object
Answer: D

4. What is the purpose of the .ready() function in jQuery?

A. It triggers an AJAX request.
B. It waits for the web page to load before executing code.
C. It animates elements on the page.
D. It is used for CSS styling.
Answer: B

5. Which method is used to select elements by their CSS class in jQuery?

A. getElementByClass()
B. selectByClass()
C. addClass()
D. $('.classname')
Answer: D

6. How can you select an element with the ID "myElement" using jQuery?

A. #myElement
B. getElementById('myElement')
C. $getElement('myElement')
D. getElementByName('myElement')
Answer: A

7. What is the purpose of the .html() method in jQuery?

A. To change the page's background color.
B. To append an element to the page.
C. To get or set the HTML content of an element.
D. To hide an element.
Answer: C

8. How can you attach a click event handler to an HTML element with the ID "myButton" in jQuery?

A. $('#myButton').on('click', function() { ... });
B. $('myButton').click(function() { ... });
C. on('click', myButton, function() { ... });
D. bind('click', '#myButton', function() { ... });
Answer: A

9. What does the .append() method do in jQuery?

A. Removes an element from the DOM.
B. Adds content to the end of selected elements.
C. Toggles the visibility of an element.
D. Changes the element's CSS class.
Answer: B

10. Which method is used to fade out an element in jQuery?

A. .fadeOut()
B. .hide()
C. .fade()
D. .remove()
Answer: A

11. How can you stop an animation in progress in jQuery?

A. .halt()
B. .stop()
C. .break()
D. .end()
Answer: B

12. Which method is used to perform asynchronous requests in jQuery?

A. .ajax()
B. .asyncRequest()
C. .httpRequest()
D. .fetch()
Answer: A

13. What does the .css() method in jQuery allow you to do?

A. Calculate mathematical operations.
B. Change the page's layout.
C. Manipulate an element's CSS properties.
D. Create animations.
Answer: C

14. Which jQuery method is used to iterate over a collection of elements?

A. .loop()
B. .each()
C. .forAll()
D. .iterate()
Answer: B

15. What is the purpose of the .slideDown() method in jQuery?

A. Slides an element up.
B. Slides an element down.
C. Slides an element left.
D. Slides an element right.
Answer: B

16. Which method is used to toggle the visibility of an element in jQuery?

A. .toggle()
B. .show()
C. .hide()
D. .visible()
Answer: A

17. How can you set an attribute "src" to an image element using jQuery?

A. $(element).attr('src', 'new_image.jpg');
B. $(element).src = 'new_image.jpg';
C. $(element).setSrc('new_image.jpg');
D. $(element).imageSrc('new_image.jpg');
Answer: A

18. Which method is used to perform animation in jQuery?

A. .animate()
B. .motion()
C. .transition()
D. .move()
Answer: A

19. What is the purpose of the .toggleClass() method in jQuery?

A. Toggles the class of an element.
B. Toggles the visibility of an element.
C. Toggles the size of an element.
D. Toggles the animation of an element.
Answer: A

20. How can you select all input elements of type "text" using jQuery?

A. $('input[type="text"]')
B. $('input[text]')
C. $('input:text')
D. $('text')
Answer: A

21. Which method is used to remove an element from the DOM in jQuery?

A. .detach()
B. .remove()
C. .hide()
D. .empty()
Answer: B

22. What does the .parent() method do in jQuery?

A. Selects the child elements of an element.
B. Selects the parent element of an element.
C. Selects the next sibling of an element.
D. Selects the previous sibling of an element.
Answer: B

23. How can you delay the execution of a function in jQuery?

A. setTimeout()
B. setInterval()
C. .delay()
D. .pause()
Answer: C

24. Which method is used to add a class to an element in jQuery?

A. .addClass()
B. .setClass()
C. .appendClass()
D. .attachClass()
Answer: A

25. What is the purpose of the .serialize() method in jQuery?

A. Serializes a JavaScript object.
B. Serializes a string.
C. Serializes a form element's data.
D. Serializes an array.
Answer: C

26. How can you check if an element has a particular class in jQuery?

A. $(element).hasClass('className')
B. $(element).isClass('className')
C. $(element).containsClass('className')
D. $(element).findClass('className')
Answer: A

27. Which method is used to set the HTML content of an element in jQuery?

A. .html()
B. .text()
C. .append()
D. .setContent()
Answer: A

28. What is the purpose of the .attr() method in jQuery?

A. Gets or sets the text content of an element.
B. Gets or sets an attribute value for an element.
C. Appends a new element to the page.
D. Removes an attribute from an element.
Answer: B

29. Which method is used to perform a fade animation in jQuery?

A. .fadeTo()
B. .fadeIn()
C. .fadeOut()
D. .fadeToggle()
Answer: B

30. What is the purpose of the .empty() method in jQuery?

A. Removes all child elements from an element.
B. Hides an element.
C. Adds content to the end of selected elements.
D. Removes an element from the DOM.
Answer: A

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