1. What is Apache Kafka?
A. A distributed streaming platform
B. A NoSQL database
C. An ETL tool
D. An analytics platform
Answer: A
2. Which programming language is Kafka primarily implemented in?
A. Java
B. Python
C. C++
D. Ruby
Answer: A
3. What is the core abstraction in Kafka?
A. Topics
B. Messages
C. Partitions
D. Brokers
Answer: A
4. Which component of Kafka is responsible for storing the actual data?
A. Producer
B. Consumer
C. Broker
D. ZooKeeper
Answer: C
5. What is the role of a Kafka Producer?
A. Consuming data from Kafka
B. Storing data in Kafka
C. Publishing data to Kafka
D. Managing Kafka clusters
Answer: C
6. Which Kafka component is responsible for managing distributed system configurations?
A. Kafka Broker
B. Kafka Producer
C. Kafka Consumer
D. ZooKeeper
Answer: D
7. How is data ordered within a Kafka topic?
A. By timestamp
B. By partition
C. By key
D. Randomly
Answer: B
8. Which Kafka component is responsible for managing and storing consumer offsets?
A. Kafka Broker
B. Kafka Producer
C. Kafka Consumer
D. ZooKeeper
Answer: D
9. In Kafka, what is a consumer group?
A. A group of Kafka brokers
B. A group of Kafka producers
C. A group of Kafka topics
D. A group of Kafka consumers
Answer: D
10. Which tool is often used for monitoring Kafka clusters and topics?
A. Nagios
B. Prometheus
C. Elasticsearch
D. Grafana
Answer: B
11. What is the maximum number of partitions that a Kafka topic can have?
A. 10
B. 100
C. 1000
D. No fixed limit
Answer: D
12. Which is the most commonly used serialization format for Kafka messages?
C. Avro
Answer: C
13. In Kafka, what is the role of a consumer offset?
A. To track the current consumer group leader
B. To track the last committed message in a partition
C. To track the IP address of the Kafka broker
D. To track the Kafka version being used
Answer: B
14. What is the purpose of Kafka Connect?
A. To establish network connections between Kafka clusters
B. To connect Kafka to external data sources and sinks
C. To connect producers and consumers within Kafka
D. To connect ZooKeeper to Kafka brokers
Answer: B
15. Which tool can be used to manage and configure Kafka topics, brokers, and consumers?
A. Kafka Manager
B. Apache Hadoop
C. Kafka Admin
D. Kafka Supervisor
Answer: A
16. What does Kafka replication factor refer to?
A. The number of Kafka brokers in a cluster
B. The number of consumers in a group
C. The number of copies of each message stored across Kafka brokers
D. The number of partitions in a topic
Answer: C
17. Which Kafka API provides exactly-once processing semantics?
A. At-most-once
B. At-least-once
C. Exactly-once
D. Once-and-forget
Answer: C
18. What is the default retention period for messages in Kafka?
A. 7 days
B. 30 days
C. 1 hour
D. No default retention period
Answer: D
19. Which component manages and distributes messages to consumers within a consumer group?
A. Kafka Broker
B. Kafka Producer
C. Kafka Consumer
D. Kafka Coordinator
Answer: D
20. What is the role of the Kafka Offset Committer in a consumer group?
A. It tracks the producer offsets.
B. It commits the offsets of consumed messages.
C. It manages the Kafka cluster configuration.
D. It routes messages to consumers.
Answer: B
21. In Kafka, what is the purpose of a key in a message?
A. To encrypt the message
B. To determine the message's topic
C. To control the message's TTL (Time to Live)
D. To determine the message's partition
Answer: D
22. Which of the following is not a built-in Kafka metric?
A. Messages per second
B. Lag
C. CPU usage
D. Network latency
Answer: D
23. What is the role of a Kafka broker?
A. To produce messages to Kafka topics
B. To consume messages from Kafka topics
C. To store and serve messages to consumers
D. To manage ZooKeeper
Answer: C
24. Which configuration is necessary for a Kafka consumer to join a consumer group?
A. group.id
B. topic.name
C. producer.id
D. broker.address
Answer: A
25. How does Kafka ensure high availability and fault tolerance?
A. By using primary and secondary brokers
B. By using a master-slave architecture
C. By replicating data across multiple brokers
D. By frequent data backups
Answer: C
26. What is the purpose of a Kafka Schema Registry?
A. To store Kafka topic schemas
B. To maintain Kafka broker configurations
C. To manage Kafka consumer groups
D. To track Kafka message delivery times
Answer: A
27. Which command is used to start a Kafka broker?
A. kafka-producer-start
B. kafka-consumer-start
C. kafka-server-start
D. kafka-manager-start
Answer: C
28. What is the role of ZooKeeper in Kafka?
A. Managing Kafka message schemas
B. Coordinating and managing Kafka brokers
C. Storing Kafka message data
D. Routing Kafka messages to consumers
** Answer: B **
29. What is the default acknowledgment mode for Kafka producers?
A. Acknowledge none
B. Acknowledge once
C. Acknowledge all
D. Acknowledge some
Answer: C
30. Which component ensures that messages are evenly distributed among Kafka brokers?
A. Kafka Producer
B. Kafka Consumer
C. Kafka Coordinator
D. Kafka Partitioner
Answer: D
31. Which Kafka consumer offset storage mechanism provides more reliability?
A. In-memory offset storage
B. Offset storage in Kafka
C. External database for offset storage
D. None of the above
Answer: C
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