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Top 30 Kotlin Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is Kotlin primarily used for?

a. Mobile app development
b. Web development
c. Data science
d. Game development
Answer: a. Mobile app development

2. Which company developed Kotlin?

a. Google
b. JetBrains
c. Facebook
d. Microsoft
Answer: b. JetBrains

3. Kotlin is interoperable with which programming language?

a. Java
b. Python
c. C++
d. Ruby
Answer: a. Java

4. What is the official build tool for Kotlin?

a. Gradle
b. Maven
c. Ant
d. SBT
Answer: a. Gradle

5. What type of programming language is Kotlin?

a. Procedural
b. Object-oriented
c. Functional
d. All of the above
Answer: d. All of the above

6. Kotlin was officially released by JetBrains in which year?

a. 2014
b. 2016
c. 2011
d. 2018
Answer: b. 2016

7. What is the primary IDE for Kotlin development?

a. IntelliJ IDEA
b. Android Studio
c. Eclipse
d. Visual Studio Code
Answer: a. IntelliJ IDEA

8. Which keyword is used to declare an immutable variable in Kotlin?

a. var
b. val
c. const
d. let
Answer: b. val

9. What does the 'by' keyword in Kotlin represent in terms of property delegation?

a. Property setter
b. Property getter
c. Property observer
d. Property initialization
Answer: c. Property observer

10. Which Kotlin feature is used for eliminating boilerplate code related to Java interoperability?

a. Kotlin Coroutines
b. Kotlin Extensions
c. Kotlin Delegates
d. Kotlin Anko
Answer: b. Kotlin Extensions

11. What is the main advantage of Kotlin Coroutines over traditional threading approaches?

a. Better memory management
b. More concurrency control
c. Lightweight and efficient
d. Easier debugging
Answer: c. Lightweight and efficient

12. Which Kotlin feature helps avoid null pointer exceptions?

a. Safe call operator (?.)
b. Elvis operator (?:)
c. Not-null assertion (!!)
d. All of the above
Answer: d. All of the above

13. In Kotlin, what is the purpose of the 'with' function?

a. Grouping elements in a collection
b. Defining an extension function
c. Providing a scope for multiple function calls on an object
d. Initializing an object
Answer: c. Providing a scope for multiple function calls on an object

14. In Kotlin, what is the use of the 'is' keyword?

a. Type casting
b. Operator overloading
c. Inheritance
d. Function declaration
Answer: a. Type casting

15. Which Kotlin keyword is used to declare a function without a return value?

a. fun
b. unit
c. void
d. None of the above
Answer: b. unit

16. Which Kotlin function is used to iterate over a range of numbers?

a. repeat()
b. until()
c. for()
d. rangeOf()
Answer: c. for()

17. Which collection type in Kotlin does not allow duplicate elements?

a. Set
b. List
c. Map
d. Array
Answer: a. Set

18. In Kotlin, what is the primary purpose of an extension function?

a. Extending the length of a function
b. Extending a class with new functions
c. Extending a class with new properties
d. Extending the scope of a function
Answer: b. Extending a class with new functions

19. What is the purpose of the 'apply' function in Kotlin?

a. To define an extension function
b. To modify the properties of an object
c. To iterate over a collection
d. To define a higher-order function
Answer: b. To modify the properties of an object

20. In Kotlin, what is the use of the 'let' function?

a. To change the original object
b. To provide a default value
c. To execute a block of code on a non-null object
d. To cast an object to a specific type
Answer: c. To execute a block of code on a non-null object

21. Which Kotlin feature helps in handling multiple nullable values easily?

a. Safe call operator (?.)
b. Elvis operator (?:)
c. Nullable types
d. Not-null assertion (!!)
Answer: c. Nullable types

22. What is the Kotlin keyword for breaking out of a loop early?

a. break
b. continue
c. return
d. exit
Answer: a. break

23. In Kotlin, what is the function used to convert a collection to a map?

a. toList()
b. toSet()
c. toMap()
d. toArray()
Answer: c. toMap()

24. Which Kotlin feature is used for representing a value that may or may not be present?

a. Nullable types
b. Extension functions
c. Data classes
d. Higher-order functions
Answer: a. Nullable types

25.In Kotlin, which keyword is used to create a secondary constructor?

a. constructor
b. secondary
c. constructor secondary
d. constructor()
Answer: a. constructor

26. Which Kotlin keyword is used to define a constant variable?

a. var
b. val
c. const
d. let
Answer: c. const

27. What is the Kotlin keyword for creating an instance of a class?

a. instanceOf
b. new
c. create
d. None of the above
Answer: d. None of the above (Kotlin does not use a specific keyword for this)

28. What does the 'lateinit' keyword indicate in Kotlin?

a. The variable can be changed after initialization
b. The variable will be initialized lazily
c. The variable is initialized during compile time
d. The variable cannot be accessed outside its class
Answer: b. The variable will be initialized lazily

29. In Kotlin, what is the purpose of the 'also' function?

a. To modify an object and return it
b. To chain multiple function calls on an object
c. To execute a block of code on an object
d. To return the first non-null value from a set of expressions
Answer: a. To modify an object and return it

30. Which Kotlin keyword is used to define a package?

a. package
b. import
c. namespace
d. module
Answer: a. package

31. What is the Kotlin keyword for defining a class inheritance hierarchy?

a. extends
b. implements
c. superclass
d. : (colon)
Answer: d. : (colon)

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