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Top 30 .NET Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is .NET?

A. A programming language
B. A software framework
C. A database management system
D. An operating system
Answer: B. A software framework

2. What does CLR stand for in .NET?

A. Common Language Runtime
B. Common Language Router
C. Common Language Registry
D. Common Language Resource
Answer: A. Common Language Runtime

3. Which programming languages are commonly used in .NET development?

A. Java and C++
B. Python and Ruby
C. C# and VB.NET
D. JavaScript and HTML
Answer: C. C# and VB.NET

4. What is the primary purpose of the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)?

A. To store application settings
B. To cache web pages
C. To store shared assemblies
D. To optimize database access
Answer: C. To store shared assemblies

5. Which of the following is a .NET IDE (Integrated Development Environment)?

A. Visual Studio Code
B. Eclipse
C. NetBeans
D. Atom
Answer: A. Visual Studio Code

6. What is ASP.NET?

A. A programming language
B. A web application framework
C. A database management system
D. An operating system
Answer: B. A web application framework

7. What is the role of JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation in .NET?

A. To compile source code into machine code during runtime
B. To optimize database queries
C. To validate XML documents
D. To create and manage network connections
Answer: A. To compile source code into machine code during runtime

8. Which namespace provides classes for input and output operations in .NET?

A. System.IO
B. System.Data
C. System.Web
D. System.Net
Answer: A. System.IO

9. What is the purpose of the 'using' statement in C#?

A. To declare variables
B. To include namespaces
C. To define a class
D. To handle exceptions
Answer: B. To include namespaces

10. What is the difference between value types and reference types in .NET?

A. Value types are stored on the heap, while reference types are stored on the stack.
B. Value types are passed by reference, while reference types are passed by value.
C. Value types hold a reference to the actual data, while reference types store the data directly.
D. Value types are allocated in the stack, while reference types are allocated in the heap.
Answer: D. Value types are allocated in the stack, while reference types are allocated in the heap.

11. What is the base class for all exceptions in .NET?

A. System.Exception
B. System.BaseException
C. System.ApplicationException
D. System.ErrorException
Answer: A. System.Exception

12. Which type of inheritance is supported in C#?

A. Single inheritance
B. Multiple inheritance
C. Multilevel inheritance
D. Hybrid inheritance
Answer: A. Single inheritance

13. What is the purpose of the 'async' and 'await' keywords in C#?

A. To define a class
B. To handle exceptions
C. To make methods asynchronous
D. To declare variables
Answer: C. To make methods asynchronous

14. What is LINQ in .NET?

A. Language-Integrated Query
B. Linear Query
C. Lightweight Interface for .NET Queries
D. Localized Internet Query
Answer: A. Language-Integrated Query

15. What is the purpose of the 'Dispose' method in C#?

A. To delete files
B. To release unmanaged resources
C. To execute a SQL query
D. To sort an array
Answer: B. To release unmanaged resources

16. What is the difference between 'StringBuilder' and 'String' in .NET?

A. 'StringBuilder' is immutable, while 'String' is mutable.
B. 'StringBuilder' is faster for concatenating strings than using 'String'.
C. 'String' supports method chaining, while 'StringBuilder' does not.
D. 'StringBuilder' is part of the System.Collections namespace, while 'String' is part of System.String.
Answer: B. 'StringBuilder' is faster for concatenating strings than using 'String'.

17. What is the purpose of an interface in C#?

A. To implement multiple inheritance
B. To define a blueprint for a class
C. To create objects
D. To handle exceptions
Answer: B. To define a blueprint for a class

18. What is the purpose of the 'finally' block in a try-catch-finally statement in C#?

A. To handle exceptions
B. To execute code regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not
C. To define a class
D. To release resources
Answer: B. To execute code regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not

19. What is a delegate in C#?

A. A type that represents a reference to a method with a specific signature
B. A class that implements IDisposable interface
C. A method that has no return value
D. A type that represents a collection of key-value pairs
Answer: A. A type that represents a reference to a method with a specific signature

20. What is the purpose of the 'using' directive in C#?

A. To declare variables
B. To include namespaces
C. To define a class
D. To handle exceptions
Answer: B. To include namespaces

21. What is the purpose of the Web.config file in an ASP.NET application?

a) To configure application settings
b) To define the database schema
c) To specify the layout of the web page
d) To define the application's entry point
Answer: a) To configure application settings

22. What is the purpose of the StringBuilder class in C#?

a) To read text files
b) To build and manipulate strings efficiently
c) To interact with a database
d) To serialize objects
Answer: b) To build and manipulate strings efficiently

23. What is the HTTP status code for a successful response in ASP.NET?

a) 200 OK
b) 404 Not Found
c) 500 Internal Server Error
d) 302 Found
Answer: a) 200 OK

24. What is the purpose of the async and await keywords in C#?

a) To define asynchronous methods
b) To define synchronous methods
c) To handle exceptions
d) To define anonymous methods
Answer: a) To define asynchronous methods

25. What is the purpose of the ViewBag in ASP.NET MVC?

a) To pass data from the controller to the view
b) To manage sessions
c) To define routing rules
d) To handle form submissions
Answer: a) To pass data from the controller to the view

26. What is the purpose of the ViewBag in ASP.NET MVC?

a) To pass data from the controller to the view
b) To manage sessions
c) To define routing rules
d) To handle form submissions
Answer: a) To pass data from the controller to the view

27. Which data type is used to store a single character in C#?

a) char
b) character
c) string
d) byte
Answer: a) char

28. Which namespace in .NET provides support for reading and writing XML documents?

a. System.Data
b. System.IO
c. System.Xml
d. System.Net
Answer: c. System.Xml

29. What is the purpose of the finally block in exception handling?

a. Executes when an exception occurs
b. Always executes, regardless of an exception
c. Executes before the catch block
d. Executes after the catch block
Answer: b. Always executes, regardless of an exception

30. In .NET, what is the role of the Common Type System (CTS)?

a. Defines data types across languages
b. Provides database connectivity
c. Handles network communication
d. Manages memory allocation
Answer: a. Defines data types across languages

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