1. What does PHP stand for?
a) Personal Home Page
b) Hypertext Preprocessor
c) Pretext Hypertext Processor
d) PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
Answer: b
2. Which PHP function is used to get the length of a string?
a) strlen()
b) length()
c) str_length()
d) string_length()
Answer: a
3. In PHP, how do you concatenate two strings?
a) +
b) .
c) &
d) +=
Answer: b
4. What is the correct way to start a PHP session?
a) start_session()
b) session_start()
c) start()
d) init_session()
Answer: b
5. Which PHP superglobal is used to access form data sent via the POST method?
a) $_GET
b) $_POST
Answer: b
6. Which function is used to include an external PHP file within another PHP file?
a) include()
b) require()
c) import()
d) include_once()
Answer: a
7. Which type of error in PHP will halt script execution?
a) Notice
b) Warning
c) Fatal Error
d) Parse Error
Answer: c
8. What does "OOP" stand for in PHP?
a) Object Oriented Programming
b) Object Oriented Protocol
c) Object Oriented Process
d) Object Oriented Parser
Answer: a
9. Which keyword is used to define a class in PHP?
a) class
b) define
c) struct
d) interface
Answer: a
10. Which magic method is called when an object is cloned?
a) __clone()
b) __copy()
c) __duplicate()
d) __construct()
Answer: a
11. How can you prevent a class from being instantiated directly?
a) Declare the class as final
b) Use the private constructor
c) Declare the class as static
d) Use the protected constructor
Answer: b
12. What is the purpose of an abstract class in PHP?
a) To provide a concrete implementation
b) To allow multiple inheritance
c) To define a blueprint for other classes
d) To restrict class access
Answer: c
13. Which operator is used for error control in PHP?
a) @
b) #
c) $
d) !
Answer: a
14. What is the correct way to check if a variable is an array in PHP?
a) is_array()
b) array_check()
c) isArray()
d) check_array()
Answer: a
15. Which function is used to sort an array in descending order?
a) sort()
b) rsort()
c) asort()
d) arsort()
Answer: b
16. How do you access the value of the last element in an array in PHP?
a) $array[-1]
b) $array[last()]
c) $array[sizeof($array) - 1]
d) $array[end()]
Answer: c
17. What is the correct way to declare a constant in PHP?
a) define('PI', 3.14)
b) constant('PI', 3.14)
c) const PI = 3.14
d) PI = 3.14
Answer: a
18. What does the function phpinfo() do?
a) Prints information about PHP configuration
b) Displays a message box
c) Returns the current timestamp
d) Retrieves information from a database
Answer: a
19. How do you set a cookie in PHP?
a) set_cookie()
b) create_cookie()
c) setcookie()
d) cookie_set()
Answer: c
20. What is the purpose of using sessions in PHP?
a) To store data on the client side
b) To store data temporarily on the server
c) To store data permanently on the server
d) To encrypt sensitive information
Answer: b
21. Which function is used to redirect a user to a different URL in PHP?
a) header()
b) redirect()
c) forward()
d) location()
Answer: a
22. What is the purpose of the function htmlspecialchars()?
a) To encrypt data
b) To encode special characters for HTML display
c) To decode special characters in a string
d) To validate email addresses
Answer: b
23. How can you prevent SQL injection in PHP?
a) Use addslashes()
b) Use htmlentities()
c) Use htmlspecialchars()
d) Use prepared statements
Answer: d
24. Which PHP function is used to open a file for writing?
a) fopen()
b) open()
c) write()
d) readfile()
Answer: a
25. What is the correct way to close a file in PHP?
a) fclose()
b) close()
c) file_close()
d) endfile()
Answer: a
26. Which operator is used for exponentiation in PHP?
a) ^
b) **
c) %
d) /
Answer: b
27. What does the function array_push() do?
a) Adds elements to the end of an array
b) Removes elements from the beginning of an array
c) Sorts the elements of an array
d) Reverses the elements of an array
Answer: a
28. What is the purpose of the function array_pop()?
a) Removes elements from the beginning of an array
b) Removes elements from the end of an array
c) Adds elements to the end of an array
d) Adds elements to the beginning of an array
Answer: b
29. How do you declare a multidimensional array in PHP?
a) $array = [1, [2, 3], [4, 5]];
b) $array = array(1, array(2, 3), array(4, 5));
c) $array = {1, {2, 3}, {4, 5}};
d) $array = [[1], [2, 3], [4, 5]];
Answer: b
30. Which function is used to convert a string to uppercase in PHP?
a) strtoupper()
b) toUpperCase()
c) upper()
d) toUpper()
Answer: a
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