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Top 30 vue.js Interview Questions with Answers multiple choice style

1. What is Vue.js?

a) A server-side rendering framework
b) A front-end JavaScript framework
c) A mobile app development framework
d) A database management system
Answer: b

2. Which of the following is not a core feature of Vue.js?

a) Component-based architecture
b) Directives
c) Routing
d) Virtual DOM
Answer: c

3. What is the primary purpose of the Vue instance?

a) To create Vue components
b) To manage application state and logic
c) To render HTML templates
d) To define routing in Vue apps
Answer: b

4. Which directive is used to bind data to the "value" attribute of an HTML element?

a) v-model
b) v-bind
c) v-text
d) v-show
Answer: a

5. What does the "v-bind" directive do in Vue.js?

a) Conditionally display an element
b) Two-way data binding
c) Set an attribute on an HTML element
d) Loop over an array
Answer: c

6. Which lifecycle hook is called immediately after a component is created but before it's inserted into the DOM?

a) created
b) mounted
c) beforeCreate
d) beforeMount
Answer: a

7. In Vue.js, how do you define a computed property?

a) Using the "computed" option in a component
b) Using the "methods" option in a component
c) Using the "data" option in a component
d) Using the "watch" option in a component
Answer: a

8. What is the purpose of the "v-for" directive in Vue.js?

a) To create conditional rendering
b) To bind a variable to a form input
c) To loop through an array and generate elements
d) To handle user input events
Answer: c

9. Which directive is used to conditionally render an element based on a Boolean expression?

a) v-show
b) v-bind
c) v-if
d) v-for
Answer: c

10. How can you emit a custom event from a child component to its parent component in Vue.js?

a) Using the $dispatch method
b) Using the $on method
c) Using the v-bind directive
d) Using the $emit method
Answer: d

11. What does the "v-model" directive provide in Vue.js?

a) Two-way data binding for form input elements
b) One-way data binding for form input elements
c) Conditional rendering of elements
d) Component registration
Answer: a

12. Which Vue.js feature is used for dynamic components and lazy loading?

a) Mixins
b) Vue Router
c) Custom directives
d) Async components
Answer: d

13. How can you include external libraries or plugins in a Vue.js project?

a) Using the "Vue.use" method
b) By importing them with the "import" statement
c) Only with a CDN link in the HTML file
d) By adding them to the "data" option of a component
Answer: a

14. Which lifecycle hook is called when a component is about to be destroyed?

a) beforeUpdate
b) destroyed
c) beforeDestroy
d) updated
Answer: c

15. What is the purpose of the "v-cloak" directive in Vue.js?

a) To prevent an element from rendering
b) To hide an element based on a condition
c) To hide uncompiled template markup
d) To create a component
Answer: c

16. What is the purpose of the "v-pre" directive in Vue.js?

a) To prevent an element from rendering
b) To hide an element based on a condition
c) To hide uncompiled template markup
d) To create a component
Answer: a

17. What does the "v-once" directive do in Vue.js?

a) It binds an element to a specific event
b) It renders an element only once
c) It binds an element to a specific method
d) It updates an element repeatedly
Answer: b

18. Which of the following is not a valid way to define a Vue component?

a) Using the Vue.component method
b) Using the "components" option in a Vue instance
c) Using the "components" option in a component
d) Using the "Vue.directive" method
Answer: d

19. What is the Vue.js Router used for?

a) Managing application state
b) Defining the structure of the Vue component
c) Handling routing and navigation in a Vue application
d) Managing external API requests
Answer: c

20. Which of the following options is used to pass data from a parent component to a child component?

a) props
b) data
c) computed
d) methods
Answer: a

21. In Vue.js, how can you prevent a component from rendering until a promise is resolved?

a) Using the "v-if" directive
b) Using the "v-bind" directive
c) Using async components
d) Using computed properties
Answer: c

22. What is the purpose of the "slot" feature in Vue.js?

a) To create dynamic slots for rendering content
b) To define a custom event handler
c) To configure Vue Router routes
d) To manage application state
Answer: a

23. Which directive is used to handle user input events in Vue.js?

a) v-model
b) v-on
c) v-bind
d) v-show
Answer: b

24. What is the Vue.js directive for handling class and style binding?

a) v-class
b) v-style
c) v-bind:class and v-bind:style
d) v-css
Answer: c

25. How can you access the root Vue instance from within a component?

a) Using the "this.$root" property
b) By passing it as a prop to the component
c) Using the "this.$parent" property
d) It's not possible to access the root instance from within a component
Answer: a

26. Which Vue CLI command is used to create a new Vue.js project with a preset configuration?

a) vue init
b) vue start
c) vue create
d) vue setup
Answer: c

27. What is the purpose of the "scoped" attribute in a Vue.js single-file component?

a) To limit the scope of CSS styles to the current component
b) To make the component a global element
c) To restrict access to component methods
d) To isolate the component's data
Answer: a

28. How can you conditionally apply a CSS class to an element in Vue.js?

a) Using the "v-if" directive
b) Using the "v-class" directive
c) Using the "v-bind" directive with an object syntax
d) Using the "v-style" directive
Answer: c

29. In Vue.js, what is the purpose of the "ref" attribute?

a) To reference the parent component
b) To reference a child component
c) To reference an HTML element or a child component
d) To reference a computed property
Answer: c

30. What is the purpose of the "nextTick" method in Vue.js?

a) To delay a function's execution until the next tick of the event loop
b) To render the component once
c) To create a new Vue instance
d) To handle asynchronous API requests
Answer: a

31. Which directive is used to handle form submission in Vue.js?

a) v-on:submit
b) v-on:click
c) v-on:change
d) v-on:keyup
Answer: a

32. How can you bind an event to the window object in Vue.js?

a) Using the "v-on" directive
b) Using the "v-bind" directive
c) Using the "v-window" directive
d) Using the "window-on" directive
Answer: a

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