- Namespaces: Namespace is something like an isolated environment in cluster keep resource within it like PODs, PVC and few others. By default we have default namespace created kubectl get ns
- POD: Pod is atomic unit of k8s where we run one or more container which actually runs application within it kubectl get pod -n=yournamespace
- ReplicationController: this resource will help us create replica of a POD. kubectl get rs
Deployments: This will help us to deploy pod with more features replication+controller+versioning+rollingoutupdate + rollback.
kubectl get deploy -n=namespace
PV: it is referred as persistent volume in K8S which is usually created by admin. It is a permanent volume which is not deleted even if pod is deleted
PVC: it is referred as persistent volumne claim which can be claimed by user or admin and then attached to pod. It is for claiming persistent volume available
Secrets: It is a kind of volume in etcd within cluster storage to store meta or config or data or file in encoded form. It will be in key value pair format
ConfigMap: It is kind of volume in etcd which stores information which is available to all the Nodes. It will be in key value form format. It can also be used for storing environment variables
Service account: These are the sa for process runs in PODs
Daemonsets:It also creates a pod. It is mainly for stateless application like application which never changes like apache. It is mainly used by admin where one pod each worker kind of requirement is there. like prometheous or monitoring or logging etc
Stateful sets: As the name suggests it is for creating PODS in stateful manner. It also create pods sequentially like Pod1, Pod2, Pod2 1 by 1.
role: It is there for authorization purpose so that role based access can be given to user.
rolebindings: It will do user, role and namespace binding for authorization of user.
Clusterroles: It is a cluster level roles created
Clusterrolesbinding: It will binding users to cluster level roles so that user will have cluster level access to resources
jobs: These are process which runs at one for specific purpose
cronjobs: These are process which runs recurrently or repeatedly
services: There are like a internal load balancers for pods so that if requests can be redirected to pods randomly
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