Datadog Assignment Day-1
Top 7 commands of Datadog agent and its use cases
Ans - Top 7 commands of Datadog agent and its uses are as below:
a) Datadog-agent config :- This command is used for runtime configuration management. It is used to validate the configuration as loaded by Datadog agent.
b) Datadog-agent config-check :- This command prints all configuration currently used by Datadog agent. It is used to validate the desired and loaded configuration.
c) Datadog-agent health :- This command is used to get agent health. It is used to verify health on agent.
d) datadog-agent hostname :- This command is used to print hostname currently used by agent. It is used to validate the agent is using the correct hostname.
e) Datadog-agent help :- This command is used to get help of any agent command. It is used to get help about agent commands.
f) Datadog-agent import :- This command is used to import configuration of older version of agent. It is used in agent uprade on servers.
g) Datadog-agent version :- This command used to get agent version information. It is used to check running agent version.Write down the steps to enable any integration in datadog?
Ans- High level steps of enabling any integration in datadog are as below:
a) Enable application level health check parameter logging from Application end.
b) Enable dogstats to forward application level logs to server.
c) Install application metric integration on Datadog server console.
d) Verify the application metric captured in Datadog console.Top 10 Metrics of Linux Servers which you should care it?
Ans- Top 10 metrics of Linux servers which need to care are as below:
a) CPU utilization.
b) Memory Utilization.
c) Disk usage
d) Virtual memory usage.
e) Network utilization.
f) Logged in users
g) Server Up-time
h) Ping response
i) Running processes
j) Process wise CPU & RAM usage
4) Top 10 Metrics of Windows Servers which you should care it?
Ans- Top 10 Metrics of Windows Servers which need to care are as below:
a) CPU utilization.
b) Memory Utilization.
c) Disk usage
d) Page file usage.
e) Network utilization.
f) Logged in users
g) Server Up-time
h) Ping response
i) Running processes
j) Process wise CPU & RAM usage
5) Top 5 Metrics of Apache which you should not miss it?
Ans- Top 5 Metrics of Apache which need to take care are as below:
a) Incoming requests count
b) Network utilization
c) CPU usage
d) Server utilization
e) Request receive/response ratio.
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