Debug School


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DataDog assigment -4

1. Top 10 metrics/indicators for APM

1 Error rate: This is a measure of how many application requests result in failures

2 Duration (Response time): This metric tracks how long it takes applications to handle requests for resources.

3 Uptime: Uptime measures the total amount of time, in the form of a percentage, that your application is available and responding normally.

4 Memory usage: Tracking how much memory your application uses is crucial for identifying memory leaks that could eventually cause a failure.

5 CPU usage: Assessing CPU usage is important to evaluate the effect of usage on performance.

6 Request rates: Measure your application traffic including spikes, inactivity, or number of active users.

7 Number of instances: Scale your application to meet actual user demand with autoscaling, based on the number of app or server instances running at any one time.

8 Garbage collection: Improve performance by identifying and eliminating the problems caused by heavy memory use in Java or other languages that use GC.

9 Customer experience: Understand and improve upon the user experience by using a combination of Apdex scores and SLA thresholds to measure customer tolerance or satisfaction

2. Top 10 metrics/indicators for Synthetic monitoring

1 synthetics.test_runs (count): The number of Synthetic test runs.

2 synthetics.test_run_steps (count): The number of Synthetic test steps.

3 datadog.estimated_usage.synthetics.api_test_runs (count): Estimated usage for API tests.

4 datadog.estimated_usage.synthetics.browser_test_runs (count): Estimated usage for browser tests.

5 synthetics.api.response (count): The count of API responses we receive.

6 synthetics.http.response.time (gauge): The overall time the request took to be processed.

7 synthetics.http.response.size (gauge): The size of the response in bytes.

8 synthetics.http.redirect.time (gauge): The time spent during redirections.

9 synthetics.http.dns.time (gauge): The time spent resolving the DNS name of the last request.

10 synthetics.http.connect.time (gauge): The time to establish the TCP connection to the server

3. Top 10 metrics/indicators for RUM

1 User Experience: RUM gives you an idea of what kind of user experience your site is offering.

2 Transaction Paths: RUM monitors actual users and captures performance data to shape key metrics, like transaction paths.

3 Responsiveness: This metric measures how quickly your application responds to user interactions.

4 Page Load Times: This is a measure of how long it takes for a page to load from the perspective of a real user.

5 Performance Analysis: RUM provides performance analysis in real time, including all user actions taken and how the various actions impact performance.

6 User Actions: A basic concept of RUM revolves around user actions. A user action is any interaction a user has with your application.

7 User Sessions: A user session is essentially a “user visit” performed in your application.

8 Error Detection: RUM can easily identify problems or errors that occurred during a user’s interaction with your application.

9 Geolocation Breakdowns: This metric provides insights into the geographic locations of your users.

10 User Behavior Insights: With RUM, you can gain insight into the behavior of your users, including the number of customers who return to your site

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