- What is Namespaces? Explain with Image
- Namespace is a logical boundary which is used to separate the resources created. Different teams in an organisation can work on the same cluster and don't want to mess up the k8s objects(deployment, service, pod etc.) so it is needed. We can have similar resources with similar name in different namespaces.
- What is Pod? Explain with Image
- Pod is the smallest unit (atomic unit) in kubernetes. A pod is instantiated by the kubelet. It contains container in it. There can be one or more containers present in the pod.
- What is ReplicaSets? Explain with Image
- ReplicaSet is a K8s object that is used to maintain replicas of Pod specified. It also controls the no of pod at a time, if pod is less than specified, it will create new pod. If pod is more than assigned, it will delete the pod.
- What is Deployment? Explain with Image
- Deployment is a K8s object that gives 5 features to use. Replicate, Control, Versioning, Rollout, Rollback. It is used to deploy a pod and maintain the replicas of it. Deployment creates replicaSet which in turn creates pod .If some change is made in the deployment, then new version is auto-assigned. We can roll-back to any version we want. Deployment follows rolling update strategy for pod creation and removal.
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