Debug School

Joshica S
Joshica S

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DataDog Training -Assignment Day 1 - 11-09-2023 Set 2

1 Top 10 commands of Datadog Agent

The 10 significant commands that we use for Datadog Agent (for Linux) are:

  1. datadog-agent status
  2. systemctl start datadog-agent
  3. systemctl stopdatadog-agent
  4. systemctl status datadog-agent
  5. systemctl restart datadog-agent
  6. datadog-agent health
  7. datadog-agent configcheck
  8. datadog-agent version
  9. datadog-agent
  10. more /etc/datadog-agent/datadog.yaml

2 Locate how to enable Process monitoring in datadog.yaml?

Step 1. Edit the datadog config file by logging into your server and running
sudo vi /etc/datadog-agent/datadog.yaml
Step 2: Add the following lines to the bottom of the file

    enabled: true

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 3 Restart the datadog agent
sudo systemctl restart datadog-agent
sudo systemctl status datadog-agent

Step 4 . You can view all of your processes by going to Datadog Console >> Infrastructure >> Processes.

3 Top 5 Techniques for troubleshooting Datadog Agent

  1. Firstly, use the command "sudo systemctl status datadog-agent" to determine whether the Datadog Agent is running. In the event that the agent isn't running, do a restart by running this command sudo systemctl restart datadog-agent
  2. Check the logs and configuration: Check the logs for any error messages that might indicate issues with the agent. The directory /var/log/datadog contains the agent logs. Try to resolve the issue based on the error message by looking for any stack traces or error messages. Make sure the configuration of the agent is correct by verifying it. Assuming the programming interface key and different subtleties are accurately arranged. Assuming the API key,region and other details are correct. The agent configuration file is located in /etc/datadog-agent/datadog.yaml.
  3. Verify the Connections: Verify whether the agent can connect to the Datadog backend. Run the command "sudo datadog-agent status". In the event that the status is "not running", there might be an issue with the agent configuration or connectivity.
  4. Check for Firewalls: In the event that you are running a firewall on the machine, ensure that the agent is permitted to communicate with the Datadog backend.The agent communicates over ports 443 and 8125. If these ports are blocked by a firewall, the agent may not be able to communicate with the backend.
  5. Check for Resource Constraints: Check if the agent is running into resource constraints, such as running out of disk space or memory. If the agent is running into resource constraints, try freeing up resources or increasing the resource limits for the agent.

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