Debug School


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Datadog Assignment 3

Write it down a step to collect apache metrices to datadog

  1. Install Datadog Agent
  2. Install Apache server
  3. Install the Apache integration at Datadog console
  4. Enable the status module (mod_status)
  5. Check for the image in conf.yaml file
  6. Restart the agent
  7. Check for the status
  8. Create Traffic manually and the metrics will be seen in the console
  9. Check on the console

Write it down a step to collect tomcat metrices to datadog

  1. Install Datadog Agent
  2. Install open JDK
  3. Install Tomcat
  4. Install the Tomcat integration at Datadog console
  5. Enable JMX in
  6. Start the Tomcat
  7. Check on the conf.yaml file and do if changes require
  8. Restart the agent
  9. Check for the status
  10. Create Traffic manually and the metrics will be seen in the console
  11. Check on the console

Write it down a step to collect docker metrices to datadog

  1. Install Datadog Agent
  2. Enable process monitoring
  3. Install Docker
  4. Install the Docker integration at Datadog console
  5. Check on the conf.yaml file and do if changes require
  6. Restart the agent
  7. Check for the status
  8. Create the containers manually and it will reflect in the console
  9. Check on the console

Write it down a step to collect mysql metrices to datadog

  1. Install Datadog Agent
  2. Install MySQL
  3. Set Password for the host
  4. Install the MySQL integration at Datadog console
  5. Create datadog user and verify
  6. Grant the necessary permissions
  7. Check on the conf.yaml file and do if changes require
  8. Restart the agent
  9. Create a test database
  10. Check on the console

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