Write it down a step to collect apache metrices to datadog
- Install Datadog Agent
- Install Apache server
- Install the Apache integration at Datadog console
- Enable the status module (mod_status)
- Check for the image in conf.yaml file
- Restart the agent
- Check for the status
- Create Traffic manually and the metrics will be seen in the console
- Check on the console
Write it down a step to collect tomcat metrices to datadog
- Install Datadog Agent
- Install open JDK
- Install Tomcat
- Install the Tomcat integration at Datadog console
- Enable JMX in catalina.sh
- Start the Tomcat
- Check on the conf.yaml file and do if changes require
- Restart the agent
- Check for the status
- Create Traffic manually and the metrics will be seen in the console
- Check on the console
Write it down a step to collect docker metrices to datadog
- Install Datadog Agent
- Enable process monitoring
- Install Docker
- Install the Docker integration at Datadog console
- Check on the conf.yaml file and do if changes require
- Restart the agent
- Check for the status
- Create the containers manually and it will reflect in the console
- Check on the console
Write it down a step to collect mysql metrices to datadog
- Install Datadog Agent
- Install MySQL
- Set Password for the host
- Install the MySQL integration at Datadog console
- Create datadog user and verify
- Grant the necessary permissions
- Check on the conf.yaml file and do if changes require
- Restart the agent
- Create a test database
- Check on the console
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