1. What is Datadog agent?
Datadog is a software that runs on your host. It collects hosts metrics and event and send it to Datadog. In Datadog u can analyse your monitoring and performance data.
2. Type of Datadog Agent?
3. Ports used to in Datadog agent?
UDP , HTTP - 80, TCP, HTTPS - 443
4. Top 5 commands with simple explanation troubleshooting Datadog agent? $ systemctl start datadog-agent - to start the datadog agent
$ systemctl stop datadog-agent - to stop the datadog agent
$ systemctl restart datadog-agent- to Restart the datadog agent
$ systemctl status datadog-agent- to status is running or not in the datadog agent
$ datadog-agent version - to find the version
5. Locate how to enable Logs monitoring in datadog.yaml
Go to the datadog file located in the windows c:/ programdata/datadog.yaml
Edit the file and add enable the option to true.
6. techniques for troubleshooting Datadog?
Verify API token (datadog.yaml)
Verify site/region (datadog.yaml)
Datadog Agent is running or not under services
check if logs enabled under config file
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
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