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rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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Apply condition and loops on on Select Box (Dropdown) element using jquery

Below is a checklist of applying conditions and loops on a Select Box (Dropdown) element using jQuery, along with coding examples:

Applying Conditions on Select Box:
Checking Selected Option:

Use :selected selector to check if a specific option is selected.

how to select dropdown specific option using is selected

if ($('#mySelect option[value="selectedValue"]').is(':selected')) {
    // Do something when the option with value 'selectedValue' is selected
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var selectedValue = "yourDesiredValue";
if ($('#mySelect option[value="' + selectedValue + '"]').is(':selected')) {
  // The option with the specified value is selected
  console.log(selectedValue + ' is selected');
} else {
  // The option with the specified value is not selected
  console.log(selectedValue + ' is not selected');
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Practical Example

<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-3">
                    <label class="font-weight-bold text-danger"> Country </label>
                    <select class="form-control countries" name="filter_by_country" id="filter_by_country">
                        <option value="all">All Country</option>
                <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-3">
                    <label class="font-weight-bold text-danger"> State </label>
                    <select class="form-control states" name="filter_by_state" id="filter_by_state">
                        <option value="all">Select State</option>
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how to select dropdown text content using jquery
how to select dropdown specific option using find and set particular text

var selectedCountryText = $('#filter_by_country :selected').text();
          if (selectedCountryText === 'Select Country') {
        $('#filter_by_state').find('option[value="all"]').text('Select State');
    var selectedCountryText = $('#filter_by_state :selected').text();
          if (selectedCountryText === 'Select State') {
        $('#filter_by_city').find('option[value="all"]').text('Select City');
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Image description

Checking Selected Index:
how to select 3rd option of dropdown using prop
Use the prop() method to check the selected index.

if ($('#mySelect').prop('selectedIndex') === 2) {
    // Do something when the third option is selected
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Applying Loops on Select Box:
Iterating Over Options:
how to access all option of dropdown using each method
Use the each() method to iterate over each option in the select box.

$('#mySelect option').each(function() {
    // Access each option
    var optionValue = $(this).val();
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Populating Options Dynamically:
how to populate option dynamically in dropdown using for loop
Use a loop to dynamically populate options in the select box.

var options = ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'];
var select = $('#mySelect');

for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
    select.append($('<option>', {
        value: i,
        text: options[i]
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Filtering Options Based on Condition:

Use :contains or :not selectors to filter options based on specific conditions.
how to hide or show specific option using contain

// Hide options containing the word 'Hide'
$('#mySelect option:contains("Hide")').hide();

// Show only options with even values
$('#mySelect option:not([value % 2 == 0])').hide();
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Changing Option Attributes in a Loop:
how to change value or text content of option using each method
Use a loop to change attributes of each option.

$('#mySelect option').each(function() {
    // Modify attributes of each option
    $(this).attr('data-custom', 'value');
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These examples cover various scenarios for applying conditions and loops on a Select Box (Dropdown) element using jQuery. Adapt these methods based on your specific requirements and use cases.

Dynamic Option Removal:
Removing Options Dynamically:

Use the remove() method to dynamically remove options from the select box.

// Remove the option with value 'removeValue'
$('#mySelect option[value="removeValue"]').remove();
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Conditionally Enabling/Disabling Options:
Enabling/Disabling Options Based on Condition:

Use the prop() method to enable or disable options based on a condition.

// Disable options with value less than 3
$('#mySelect option[value < 3]').prop('disabled', true);

// Enable options with value greater than or equal to 3
$('#mySelect option[value >= 3]').prop('disabled', false);
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Conditional Styling:
Applying Conditional Styling to Options:

Use the toggleClass() method to apply conditional styling to options based on a condition.

// Apply a custom class to options with value 'customValue'
$('#mySelect option[value="customValue"]').toggleClass('customClass', condition);
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Changing Selected Option:
Changing the Selected Option Based on Condition:

Use the val() method to change the selected option dynamically based on a condition.

// Change the selected option to 'newValue' when a condition is met

if (condition) {
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These additional examples cover scenarios like dynamically removing options, conditionally enabling/disabling options, applying conditional styling, and changing the selected option based on certain conditions. Adjust these logics according to your specific use case and requirements.


how to select dropdown text content using jquery
how to select dropdown specific option using is selected
how to select dropdown specific option using find and set particular text
how to select 3rd option of dropdown using prop
how to access all option of dropdown using each method
how to populate option dynamically in dropdown using for loop
how to hide or show specific option using contain
how to change value or text content of option using each method
removing option dynamically
disabling option dynamically **
**toggling optio

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