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rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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Applying condition on dynamically extract keys to construct sample json response

Applying condition on dynamically extract keys to construct sample json response

Applying condition on dynamically extract keys-value pair to construct sample json response with key-value pair

Applying condition on dynamically extract keys to construct sample json response

my request data is

Log::info('Data received via AJAX:', $request->all());

Data received via AJAX: {"_token":"JEQba4vUNZ5LP1Jz7eaI9JAwblbOAf7S8EO6i14C","admin_id":"26","slug":"admins","influencer_email":"","admin_email":"","user_name":"rakeshdev","item":"25","dataitem_id":"25","selected_socials":"face_price,youtube_price"}   

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after getting data from table

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I want to extract request data from $ payment and i have to apply condition price value is not null where suffix is _price and put in json response

step1: extract request key from $payments and put inside array $priceData

      $priceData = [];
                        foreach ($payments as $key => $value) {
                            // Check if the key contains "_price" and the value is not null
                            if (strpos($key, '_price') !== false && $value !== null) {
                                $priceData[$key] = $value;
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In Django

from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import Payments
import logging

def your_view(request):
    add_profile = # Retrieve the addprofile instance, it's not provided in your code snippet

    payments = Payments.objects.filter(admin_id=add_profile.user_id).first()

    price_data = {}
    if payments:
        payments_dict = payments.__dict__

        for key, value in payments_dict.items():
            # Check if the key contains "_price" and the value is not None
            if '_price' in key and value is not None:
                price_data[key] = value
  response_data = {
        'message': 'task disapprove successfully',
        'success': True,
        'prices': price_data,
        'influencer': request.GET.get('slug', ''),  # Assuming slug is sent via query parameters
        'publisher': request.GET.get('user_name', ''),  # Assuming user_name is sent via query parameters

    return JsonResponse(response_data)
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using context

from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import Payments
import logging

def your_view(request):
    add_profile = # Retrieve the addprofile instance, it's not provided in your code snippet

    payments = Payments.objects.filter(admin_id=add_profile.user_id).first()

    price_data = {}
    if payments:
        payments_dict = payments.__dict__

        for key, value in payments_dict.items():
            # Check if the key contains "_price" and the value is not None
            if '_price' in key and value is not None:
                price_data[key] = value
    context = {
        'price_data': price_data,

    return render(request, 'your_template.html', context)
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In template

{% if price_data %}
    {% for key, value in price_data.items %}
        {# Check if the key contains "_price" and the value is not null #}
        {% if "_price" in key and value %}
            {# Process the key and value as needed #}
            <p>{{ key }}: {{ value }}</p>
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
    {# Handle the case when price_data is empty or None #}
{% endif %}
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step2: next step to construct json response

                        return response()->json([
                            'message' => "task disapprove successfully", 
                            'success' => true,
                            'prices' => $priceData, 
                            'influencer' =>$request->slug,
                            'publisher' =>$request->user_name,     
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    "message": "Task disapproved successfully",
    "success": true,
    "prices": {
        "face_price": "24",
        "youtube_price": "69"
    "influencer": "sample-influencer",
    "publisher": "sample-publisher"
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Applying condition on dynamically extract keys-value pair to construct sample json response with key-value pair

my data is



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I want to extract request data from $ payment and i have to apply condition price value is not null where suffix is _price and put in json response

step1: extract request key from $payments and put inside array $priceData
This loop iterates through each key-value pair in the $paymentsArray. It checks if the key contains "_price" and the corresponding value is not null. If both conditions are met, it extracts the social site name from the key (by removing "_price") and adds an associative array with the social site name and the price to the $priceData['prices'] array. Additionally, it logs the price data using Laravel's Log::info method.

    if ($myaddcarts) {
                            $paymentsArray = $myaddcarts->toArray();

                            foreach ($paymentsArray as $key => $value) {
                                // Check if the key contains "_price" and the value is not null
                                if (strpos($key, '_price') !== false && $value !== null) {
                                    $socialSite = str_replace('_price', '', $key);

                        // Add the social site and price as an associative array to $priceData
                        $priceData['prices'][] = ['social_site' => $socialSite, 'price' => $value];
                        Log::info('Price data:', $priceData['prices']);
                        if (!empty($priceData)) {
                            Log::info('Price data is present:', $priceData);
                        } else {
                            Log::info('No price data found');
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step2: next step to construct json response

                        return response()->json([
                            'message' => "task disapprove successfully", 
                            'success' => true,
                            'prices' => $priceData, 
                            'influencer' =>$request->slug,
                            'publisher' =>$request->user_name,     
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display json key value pair

    "message": "Task disapproved successfully",
    "success": true,
    "prices": [
        {"social_site": "face", "price": "60"},
        {"social_site": "youtube", "price": "67"}
    "influencer": "rajesh ",
    "publisher": "rakeshdev"
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Applying condition on dynamically extract keys-value pair to construct sample json response with key-value pair in Django

my data is

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class AddCart(models.Model):
    influencer_admin_id = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    # other fields...
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from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import AddCart

def your_view(request):
    add_profile = # Retrieve the addprofile instance, it's not provided in your code snippet

my_add_carts = AddCart.objects.filter(influencer_admin_id=add_profile.user_id).first()
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I want to extract request data from $ payment and i have to apply condition price value is not null where suffix is _price and put in json response

step1: extract request key from $payments and put inside array $priceData
This loop iterates through each key-value pair in the $paymentsArray. It checks if the key contains "_price" and the corresponding value is not null. If both conditions are met, it extracts the social site name from the key (by removing "_price") and adds an associative array with the social site name and the price to the $priceData['prices'] array. Additionally, it logs the price data using Laravel's Log::info method.

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price_data = {'prices': []}

if my_add_carts:
    payments_dict = my_add_carts.__dict__

    for key, value in payments_dict.items():
        # Check if the key contains "_price" and the value is not None
        if '_price' in key and value is not None:
            social_site = key.replace('_price', '')
            # Add the social site and price as a dictionary to price_data
            price_data['prices'].append({'social_site': social_site, 'price': value})
  'Price data: %s', price_data['prices'])

if price_data['prices']:'Price data is present: %s', price_data)
else:'No price data found')
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**step2: next step to construct json response**

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response_data = {
    'message': 'task disapprove successfully',
    'success': True,
    'prices': price_data,
    'influencer': request.GET.get('slug', ''),  # Assuming slug is sent via query parameters
    'publisher': request.GET.get('user_name', ''),  # Assuming user_name is sent via query parameters

return JsonResponse(response_data)
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**display json key value pair**

    "message": "Task disapproved successfully",
    "success": true,
    "prices": [
        {"social_site": "face", "price": "60"},
        {"social_site": "youtube", "price": "67"}
    "influencer": "rajesh ",
    "publisher": "rakeshdev"
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