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rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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Different way to get and display data in django

Simple iteration
Accessing index along with items
Iterating over a range
Iterating over a list of dictionaries
Looping through two lists simultaneously

from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import MyModel

def example_view(request):
    **Get data from the table**
    data_list = MyModel.objects.all()

    Example 1: Simple iteration
    for item in data_list:

   Example 2: Accessing index along with items
    for index, item in enumerate(data_list):
        print(f"Index: {index}, Data: {}")

    Example 3: Iterating over a range
    for i in range(len(data_list)):
        item = data_list[i]
        print(f"Index: {i}, Data: {}")

    Example 4: Iterating over a list of dictionaries
    data_dict_list = [{'data': 'Item 1'}, {'data': 'Item 2'}, {'data': 'Item 3'}]
    for data_dict in data_dict_list:

    # Example 5: Looping through two lists simultaneously
    another_list = ['A', 'B', 'C']
    for item, another_item in zip(data_list, another_list):
        print(f"Data: {}, Another Item: {another_item}")

    Example 6: Looping with if-else condition
    for item in data_list:
        if == 'Value':
            print("Do something")
            print("Do something else")

   Prepare data for rendering in template
    data_for_template = []
    for item in data_list:
        if == 'Value':
            data_for_template.append((, "Something"))
            data_for_template.append((, "Something else"))

    Rendering the template with data
    return render(request, 'example_template.html', {'data_list': data_for_template})
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In this example, we have a view function named example_view that retrieves data from the MyModel table using MyModel.objects.all(). We then demonstrate six different ways to use a for loop in Django views.

The first three examples show different variations of iterating over a list of objects. The fourth example demonstrates iterating over a list of dictionaries. The fifth example showcases looping through two lists simultaneously using zip(). Finally, the sixth example demonstrates applying an if-else condition within the loop.

Afterwards, we prepare the data for rendering in a template. In this case, we create a list of tuples where each tuple contains the data value from the model and a corresponding string based on the if-else condition.

The view function then renders an example template named example_template.html and passes the data_for_template variable as context. You can create the template file and customize it to display the data as desired.


    <title>Example Template</title>
    <h1>Data List:</h1>
        {% for item, condition in data_list %}
            <li>{{ item }} - {{ condition }}</li>
        {% endfor %}
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In this template example, we iterate over the data_list passed from the view and display each item and its corresponding condition within

  • tags.

    Remember to adjust the model, field names, and template according to your specific project requirements

    To render the data in the template using all six different ways, we need to modify the code accordingly. Here's an updated example:

    from django.shortcuts import render
    from .models import MyModel
    def example_view(request):
        # Get data from the table
        data_list = MyModel.objects.all()
        # Example 1: Simple iteration
        data_simple = []
        for item in data_list:
        # Example 2: Accessing index along with items
        data_with_index = []
        for index, item in enumerate(data_list):
        # Example 3: Iterating over a range
        data_with_range = []
        for i in range(len(data_list)):
            item = data_list[i]
        # Example 4: Iterating over a list of dictionaries
        data_dict_list = [{'data': 'Item 1'}, {'data': 'Item 2'}, {'data': 'Item 3'}]
        data_dict = []
        for data in data_dict_list:
        # Example 5: Looping through two lists simultaneously
        another_list = ['A', 'B', 'C']
        data_zip = []
        for item, another_item in zip(data_list, another_list):
            data_zip.append((, another_item))
        # Example 6: Looping with if-else condition
        data_if_else = []
        for item in data_list:
            if == 'Value':
                data_if_else.append((, "Something"))
                data_if_else.append((, "Something else"))
        # Rendering the template with data
        return render(request, 'example_template.html', {
            'data_simple': data_simple,
            'data_with_index': data_with_index,
            'data_with_range': data_with_range,
            'data_dict': data_dict,
            'data_zip': data_zip,
            'data_if_else': data_if_else,

    In this updated example, we create separate lists to store the data based on each of the six ways to use a for loop.

    Then, in the rendering part, we pass these lists as context variables to the template.


        <title>Example Template</title>
        <h1>Example 1: Simple Iteration</h1>
            {% for item in data_simple %}
                <li>{{ item }}</li>
            {% endfor %}
        <h1>Example 2: Accessing Index</h1>
            {% for index, item in data_with_index %}
                <li>Index: {{ index }} - Data: {{ item }}</li>
            {% endfor %}
        <h1>Example 3: Iterating Over a Range</h1>
            {% for index, item in data_with_range %}
                <li>Index: {{ index }} - Data: {{ item }}</li>
            {% endfor %}
        <h1>Example 4: Iterating Over a List of Dictionaries</h1>
            {% for item in data_dict %}
                <li>{{ item }}</li>
            {% endfor %}
        <h1>Example 5: Looping Through Two Lists Simultaneously</h1>
            {% for item, another
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