In the context of JavaScript and Redux, state and ...state have different meanings and usages:
state typically refers to the current state of a component or the application at a specific point in time.
In React components, state is an object used to store mutable data that affects the rendering and behavior of the component. It is managed by the useState or useReducer hooks in functional components or the this.state in class components.
In Redux, state refers to the global state of the application, which is managed by the Redux store. The Redux store holds the entire state tree of the application, and components can access and interact with the state using the useSelector hook or by connecting to the store in class components.
...state uses the spread operator (...) in JavaScript to create a shallow copy of an object or array. It is used to avoid directly modifying the original object or array, ensuring that immutability is maintained.
In Redux reducers, ...state is often used to create a new state object while preserving the existing state. Instead of modifying the current state directly, the reducer returns a new state object with the necessary changes using the spread operator. This follows Redux's immutability principles, ensuring that state updates are predictable and traceable.
For example, in a Redux reducer, when handling an action, you might use ...state to create a new state object with only the necessary changes:
// Example Redux reducer
const initialState = {
counter: 0,
name: "",
const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
counter: state.counter + 1,
case "SET_NAME":
return {
return state;
In the INCREMENT_COUNTER case, ...state is used to create a new state object with the counter property incremented by 1 while keeping all other properties unchanged. Similarly, in the SET_NAME case, ...state is used to create a new state object with the name property set to the value provided in the action payload, while keeping the counter property unchanged.
By using ...state in Redux reducers, you ensure that the reducer produces a new state object without modifying the original state directly. This is important because Redux relies on immutable state updates to track changes and efficiently trigger re-renders in connected components.
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