Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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Explain the ways of defining template


We are going to discuss the below points:
Templates basics
Types of Templates
Elements of Templates
Implementation of Event

What is Template

Templates in Angular represents a view whose role is to display data and change the data whenever an event occurs. It's default language for templates is HTML.

Why Template

Templates separate view layer from the rest of the framework so we can change the view layer without breaking the application.

How to create template

There are two ways of defining templates,

  1. Inline Template
  2. External Template First we are going to discuss about Inline template. So lets get started.

Inline Template

We can create template inline into component class itself using template property of @Component decorator. Templates In Angular

Open HiComponent.ts file and add the below line of code into @Component decorator,

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';    

  selector: 'app-hi',    
  template: `     
  <h1> Welcome </h1>    
  <h2> Name: {{ Name }}</h2>    
  styleUrls: ['./hi.component.css']    
export class HiComponent implements OnInit {    
  Name : string = "XYZ";    
  constructor() { }    

  ngOnInit(): void {    
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now run the application and you will see the below output screen,

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External Template

By default, Angular CLI uses the external template. It binds template with a component using templateUrl option. TemplateUrl is used in External format where as in case of
intline Template we use template instead of templateurl.

Now open Hi.component,html and add the below line of code:

<h2>Name : {{Name}}</h2>  
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

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Elements of Templates
Template Expressions
Template Statements
Let's start with the explanation of each one of the template elements Templates In Angular


Angular uses HTML as a template language.


Interpolation is one of the forms of data binding where we can access a component’s data in a template. For interpolation, we use double curly braces .

Template Expressions

better approach for template and styles

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