Setting Callback URL
Integrating Paytm with PHP involves a series of steps, including setting up a Paytm account, obtaining API credentials, and implementing the necessary code in your PHP application. Here's a step-by-step example:
Step 1: Create a Paytm Merchant Account
Visit the Paytm website and sign up for a merchant account.
Complete the necessary documentation and verification process.
Step 2: Obtain API Credentials
Log in to your Paytm Merchant account.
Navigate to the "Developer" section and obtain your Merchant ID, Merchant Key, Website, and Industry type.
Step 3: Download Paytm PHP Kit
Download the Paytm PHP Kit from the Paytm GitHub repository.
Extract the downloaded files to your project directory.
Step 4: Set Configuration Parameters
Open the paytm/PaytmKit/lib/config_paytm.php file and set the following parameters:
$PAYTM_MERCHANT_KEY = "your_merchant_key";
$PAYTM_MERCHANT_MID = "your_merchant_id";
$PAYTM_MERCHANT_WEBSITE = "your_website";
Step 5: Create a Transaction Request
In your PHP code, create a transaction request and redirect the user to the Paytm payment gateway. Here's a simplified example:
// Set transaction parameters
$orderId = "ORDER" . time();
$amount = "10.00"; // Set your desired amount
// Create an array with transaction parameters
$paramList = array(
"ORDER_ID" => $orderId,
"CUST_ID" => "CUST" . time(),
"TXN_AMOUNT" => $amount,
"CALLBACK_URL" => "your_callback_url",
// Generate checksum
$checkSum = getChecksumFromArray($paramList, $PAYTM_MERCHANT_KEY);
// Add checksum to the parameters
$paramList["CHECKSUMHASH"] = $checkSum;
// Redirect the user to the Paytm payment page
<title>Paytm Payment Gateway Integration</title>
<form method="post" action="" name="paytm_form">
foreach ($paramList as $name => $value) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $value . '">';
<input type="submit" value="Proceed to Paytm">
Step 6: Handle Callback
Once the payment is complete, Paytm will send a callback to the specified CALLBACK_URL. You need to handle this callback to update the payment status and perform any necessary actions in your application.
Practical Example
Setting Callback URL:
$paramList["CALLBACK_URL"] = "$ORDER_ID&TXN_AMOUNT=$TXN_AMOUNT&admin_id=$admin_id&user_name=$user_name&create_date=$create_date&EMAIL=$EMAIL&created_date=$created_date";
This line constructs a callback URL by concatenating various parameters like ORDER_ID, TXN_AMOUNT, admin_id, etc., to the base URL "".
Checking Valid Checksum:
Step 7: Handle Callback in Your PHP Code
In your callback processing script (specified in the CALLBACK_URL), validate the callback status and update your database or perform any necessary actions:
// Verify the checksum
$paytmChecksum = isset($_POST["CHECKSUMHASH"]) ? $_POST["CHECKSUMHASH"] : "";
$isValidChecksum = verifychecksum_e($_POST, $PAYTM_MERCHANT_KEY, $paytmChecksum);
// Validate the callback status
if ($isValidChecksum == "TRUE" && $_POST["STATUS"] == "TXN_SUCCESS") {
// Payment is successful, update your database or perform necessary actions
$orderId = $_POST["ORDERID"];
$transactionId = $_POST["TXNID"];
$amount = $_POST["TXNAMOUNT"];
// Perform actions like updating order status, sending email notifications, etc.
// Example: Update order status in your database
// $updateOrderQuery = "UPDATE orders SET status = 'completed' WHERE order_id = '$orderId'";
// Execute the query as per your database structure and requirements
// Example: Send email notification
// mail($customerEmail, "Payment Success", "Thank you for your purchase!");
echo "Payment successful. Order ID: $orderId, Transaction ID: $transactionId, Amount: $amount";
} else {
// Payment failed or checksum mismatch, handle accordingly
$orderId = isset($_POST["ORDERID"]) ? $_POST["ORDERID"] : "Unknown";
echo "Payment failed for Order ID: $orderId";
In this example, the script verifies the checksum and checks if the transaction status is "TXN_SUCCESS." If the payment is successful, you can update your database, send email notifications, or perform any other actions based on your application's requirements.
if($isValidChecksum == "TRUE") {
This conditional statement checks if the variable $isValidChecksum is equal to the string "TRUE".
Processing Successful Transaction:
if ($_POST["STATUS"] == "TXN_SUCCESS") {
// Retrieve values from the URL parameters
$admin_id = $_GET['admin_id'];
$user_name = $_GET['user_name'];
$create_date = $_GET['create_date'];
$created_date = $_GET['created_date'];
// Construct redirect URL
$redirect_url = "$ORDER_ID/$TXN_AMOUNT/$admin_id/$user_name/$create_date/$EMAIL/$created_date";
// Redirect to the constructed URL
header("Location: $redirect_url");
If the transaction status ($_POST["STATUS"]) is "TXN_SUCCESS," it extracts values from the URL parameters and constructs a redirect URL. The user is then redirected to this URL.
Handling Unsuccessful Transaction:
else {
// Display a modal indicating payment failure
echo '...'; // HTML and JavaScript code for the modal
If the transaction status is not "TXN_SUCCESS," it displays a modal with a message indicating that the payment has failed.
Looping Through POST Parameters:
if (isset($_POST) && count($_POST)>0 )
foreach($_POST as $paramName => $paramValue) {
// Process each POST parameter
If there are POST parameters, it loops through them and processes each one.
Please note that the provided code includes some HTML and JavaScript for displaying a modal in case of payment failure. The modal is shown with an error message, and there is a link to the cart page. Additionally, there's JavaScript code for handling the modal display and closure.
$orderid = $_POST['ORDERID'];
$paytmChecksum = "";
$paramList = array();
$isValidChecksum = "FALSE";
$paramList = $_POST;
$paytmChecksum = isset($_POST["CHECKSUMHASH"]) ? $_POST["CHECKSUMHASH"] : ""; //Sent by Paytm pg
$isValidChecksum = verifychecksum_e($paramList, PAYTM_MERCHANT_KEY, $paytmChecksum); //will return TRUE or FALSE string.
if($isValidChecksum == "TRUE") {
//echo "<b>Checksum matched and following are the transaction details:</b>" . "<br/>";
if ($_POST["STATUS"] == "TXN_SUCCESS") {
//update payment status
$admin_id = $_GET['admin_id'];
$user_name = $_GET['user_name'];
$create_date = $_GET['create_date'];
$created_date = $_GET['created_date'];
$redirect_url = "$ORDER_ID/$TXN_AMOUNT/$admin_id/$user_name/$create_date/$EMAIL/$created_date";
header("Location: $redirect_url");
else {
echo '
<div id="reject-influencer" class="modal fade" role="dialog">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header" style="background-color:#d64a34;">
<button type="button" style="color:white;" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"> ×</button>
<center> <div class="modal-body" style="background-color:#deb195a6;">
<div id="success-message" class="success-message">
<i class="fas fa-times-circle fa-3x" style="color: red;"></i>
<h5 class="text-center" style="margin-top: 10px; color: red;">Failed</h5>
<h5 id="rejectinfluencer" class="text-center" style="margin-top: 10px; color: green;">Your payment has failed</h5>
<!-- Button with link -->
<a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Go to cart</a>
// Show the modal
var modal = document.getElementById("myModal"); = "block";
// Close the modal when clicking the close button
var closeBtn = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0];
closeBtn.onclick = function() { = "none";
// Close the modal when clicking outside of it
window.onclick = function(event) {
if ( == modal) { = "none";
if (isset($_POST) && count($_POST)>0 )
foreach($_POST as $paramName => $paramValue) {
//echo "<br/>" . $paramName . " = " . $paramValue;
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