Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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Flutter Query Solution2

How to set Text on center on appbar in flutter?

Before Applying Solution
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after applying solution
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** Solution:**
centerTitle: true,
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How to remove back button on appbar in flutter?-:click here for solution

Before Applying Solution
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after applying solution
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** Solution:**
automaticallyImplyLeading: false,

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How can I make alertDialog disappear automatically after few seconds in Flutter?

** Solution:**
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1), () {

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How to remove leading and trailing whitespaces

** Solution:**
print(' COCA COLA'.trim()); // Output: 'COCA COLA'
print('COCA COLA '.trim()); // Output: 'COCA COLA'
print(' COCA COLA '.trim()); // Output: 'COCA COLA'

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How to upload app in playstore

step 1: change version in pubspec.yaml
change 8.84 to 8.85
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step 2: in Terminal run run
flutter pub get
step 3: in Terminal run run
flutter clean
step 4: in Terminal run run
flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64 --split-per-abi
step 4: drag ur projet folder to android studio holidaylandmark, before close ur all project in android studio
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below this step not neessary
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Widget overflowed by pixels

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click here
click here
click here

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