To handle the $queryParams passed via the dispatch method in your Livewire component and access it on the frontend without refreshing or reloading, you can follow these steps:
Livewire Component: Dispatch the event with the parameters.
JavaScript Listener: Listen for the dispatched event and handle the parameters on the frontend.
Dispatching Event in Livewire Component
In your Livewire component, you dispatch an event with the query parameters:
$this->dispatch('refreshComponent', $queryParams);
public function paytm($paymentMethodValue)
Log::info("paytm hua hain");
$queryParams = [
'totalSum' => 5,
'gst' => 2,
'sumGst' => 10,
'totalItems' => $this->item->count(),
'cartIds' => $this->cartIds,
'userId' =>$this->userId,
'username' => $this->username,
'useremail' => $this->useremail,
'allcartId' => $this->allcartId,
'influencer_email' => $this->influencer_email,
'influencer_name' => $this->influencer_name,
'influencer_admin_id' => $this->influencer_admin_id,
// Add more parameters as needed
Log::info("paytm hua hain");
$this->dispatch('refreshComponent',$queryParams);// without refresh or reload
Listening for the Event on the Frontend
In your Blade view or JavaScript file, you need to set up an event listener to catch the dispatched event and handle the query parameters.
Using Alpine.js (if you're using Alpine.js with Livewire)
<div x-data="{ queryParams: {} }" x-init="
Livewire.on('refreshComponent', event => {
console.log('Event:', event); // Check if the event is being received
console.log('Query Params:', event.detail.params); // Log the parameters
this.queryParams = event.detail.params;
<!-- Your Livewire component -->
Using Vanilla JavaScript
If you are not using Alpine.js, you can use plain JavaScript to listen for the Livewire event:
<div id="livewire-container">
<!-- Your Livewire component -->
document.addEventListener('livewire:load', function () {
Livewire.on('refreshComponent', function (queryParams) {
console.log('Query Params:', queryParams);
// Handle your logic here
Livewire Component: You use $this->dispatch('refreshComponent', $queryParams); to dispatch an event named refreshComponent along with the query parameters.
Frontend: When the Livewire component loads, you set up an event listener for the refreshComponent event. The callback function receives the queryParams and you can handle them as needed, such as updating the DOM or triggering other JavaScript actions.
One Practical Example
Example Usage
Let's consider a practical example where you want to update a section of the page with the received query parameters.
Livewire Component (YourLivewireComponent.php)
use Livewire\Component;
class YourLivewireComponent extends Component
public $queryParams = [];
public function mount()
// Initialize or load your query params
$this->queryParams = ['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'qux'];
public function updateQueryParams()
// Update queryParams as needed
$this->queryParams = ['foo' => 'newFoo', 'baz' => 'newBaz'];
$this->dispatch('refreshComponent', $this->queryParams);
public function render()
return view('livewire.your-livewire-component');
Blade View (your-livewire-component.blade.php)
<button wire:click="updateQueryParams">Update Query Params</button>
JavaScript (in your Blade view or an external file)
<div id="livewire-container">
document.addEventListener('livewire:load', function () {
Livewire.on('refreshComponent', function (queryParams) {
console.log('Query Params:', queryParams);
// Example: Update a part of the page with new query params
document.getElementById('query-params-display').innerText = JSON.stringify(queryParams);
<div id="query-params-display"></div>
With this setup, when you click the "Update Query Params" button, the Livewire component updates the query parameters, dispatches the refreshComponent event, and the JavaScript listener catches this event to update the DOM with the new query parameters.
Using livewire
Using alpine js
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