Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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How to dynamically extract keys from the request data to construct sample json response

how to create associative array from dynamic request


// Assuming you have a form with input fields named 'key1', 'key2', 'key3', etc.
// and you want to retrieve values dynamically from the request

// Get all input values from the request
$inputValues = request()->all();

// Initialize an empty associative array
$associativeArray = [];

// Loop through the input values and build the associative array
foreach ($inputValues as $key => $value) {
    $associativeArray[$key] = $value;

// Output the associative array
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Add new key value pair in above

// Add a new key-value pair
$newKey = 'key4';
$newValue = 'value4';

$associativeArray[$newKey] = $newValue;

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my request data is

take specific data from associative array based on suffix and put in array
retrived array put inside response

[2024-01-05 07:46:06] local.INFO: array (
  '_token' => 'JEQba4vUNZ5LP1Jz7eaI9JAwblbOAf7S8EO6i14C',
  'face_price' => '24',
  'youtube_price' => '69',
  'admin_id' => '26',
  'slug' => 'admins',
  'influencer_email' => '',
  'influencer_admin_id' => NULL,
  'org_name' => NULL,
  'admin_email' => '',
  'user_name' => 'rakeshdev',
  'slug_id' => NULL,
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I want to extract request data where suffix is _price and user_name and slug and put in json response

step1: extract request key and put inside array $priceData

  $priceData = [];
            foreach ($request->all() as $key => $value) {
                if (strpos($key, '_price') !== false) {
                    $priceData[$key] = $value;
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step2: next step to construct json response

                        return response()->json([
                            'message' => "task disapprove successfully", 
                            'success' => true,
                            'prices' => $priceData, 
                            'influencer' =>$request->slug,
                            'publisher' =>$request->user_name,     
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    "message": "Task disapproved successfully",
    "success": true,
    "prices": {
        "face_price": "24",
        "youtube_price": "69"
    "influencer": "sample-influencer",
    "publisher": "sample-publisher"
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Another way

WAP to get associtive array of single row from db
wap to to create array of object in json for single associative array


                         if ($myaddcarts) {
                             $paymentsArray = $myaddcarts->toArray();                         
                             foreach ($paymentsArray as $key => $value) {                              
                                 if (strpos($key, '_price') !== false && $value !== null) {
                                     $socialSite = str_replace('_price', '', $key);                 
                                $priceData['prices'][] = ['social_site' => $socialSite, 'price' => $value];
                                Log::info('Price data:', $priceData['prices']);
                        return response()->json([
                            'message' => "task disapprove successfully", 
                            'success' => true,
                            'prices' => $priceData, 
                            'influencer' =>$request->slug,
                            'publisher' =>$request->user_name,     
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json format

  "message": "task disapprove successfully",
  "success": true,
  "prices": {
    "prices": [
      {"social_site": "face", "price": 24},
      {"social_site": "youtube", "price": 69},
      // ... other social sites and prices
  "influencer": "admins",
  "publisher": "rakeshdev"
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