Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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How to find how many users logged in partiular server or ipaddress using linux ommand

You can use the who command in Linux to find the users who are currently logged in to a particular server or IP address. Here's how to use the command:

Open the terminal on your Linux system.

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and press enter. This will display a list of users who are currently logged in to the system.

If you want to find out who is logged in to a specific server or IP address, you can use the ssh command to connect to that server first, and then run the who command on that server. For example, if you want to find out who is logged in to a server with the IP address, you can run the following command:

ssh who
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how to find how many users logged in partiular server or ipaddress on date

last -i -F -t 20230210000000
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last -F -t 20230115133000 webserver
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