Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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How to get another branch code and merge with current branch in gitlab

To clone another branch code into your local repository and then merge it with your current branch code, follow these steps:

Step 1: Clone the repository and switch to the desired branch

git clone -b <branch_name> <repository_url>
cd <repository_directory>
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Replace with the name of the branch you want to clone, and with the actual URL of the Git repository. After cloning, change to the repository directory using cd.

Step 2: Check out your current branch (the branch you want to merge into)

git checkout <current_branch_name>
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Replace with the name of your current branch.

Step 3: Merge the cloned branch into your current branch

git merge <branch_name>
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Replace with the name of the branch you cloned in Step 1.

Step 4: Resolve any merge conflicts if there are any
If there are merge conflicts between the two branches, you will need to resolve them. Git will notify you about any conflicts, and you can use a text editor or a Git tool to resolve them. After resolving the conflicts, save the changes.

Step 5: Commit the merge changes

git add .
git commit -m "Merge <branch_name> into <current_branch_name>"
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Replace and with the appropriate branch names.

Step 6: Push the merged changes to the remote repository (if applicable)

git push origin <current_branch_name>
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This step is necessary if you want to update the remote repository with the merged changes. If you are working on a local repository only and don't need to update the remote, you can skip this step.


Another Way

step 1: git clone another branch

git clone -b developBranch
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step 2: enter git clone branch

cd regapp
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step 3: to merge current branch code(rakesh) to git clone branch developBranch

git pull origin rakesh
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Step 4: Resolve any merge conflicts if there are any
If there are merge conflicts between the two branches, you will need to resolve them. Git will notify you about any conflicts, and you can use a text editor or a Git tool to resolve them. After resolving the conflicts, save the changes.
step 5: enter server folder within regapp folder

cd server
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step 6: get all existing dependency

npm i
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npm i --force
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step 7: enter server folder within regapp folder

cd client
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step 8: get all existing dependency
npm i --force

step 9: run server side code

npm run dev

step 9: run client side code

npm start
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