Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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How to solve cURL Error in php

When you're seeing errors in your cURL request in your PHP code, it could be due to a number of reasons. The key is to systematically check and validate each part of your cURL setup to identify the source of the error. Here's a step-by-step guide to debug common issues that could lead to cURL errors in your code:

  1. Check cURL Initialization
    Ensure that the cURL handle is created successfully. It seems you already have a check for this (if ($ch === false)), which is good practice.

  2. Validate the URL
    Make sure the URL you are using is correct. Typos, incorrect domain names, or incorrect path can lead to issues. You are constructing the URL with:

$url = "" . $merchant_id . "&orderId=" . $order_id;
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Is the mid correct and active?
Is the orderId correctly formatted?
Since you are using the staging environment URL (, ensure that this is intentional and suitable for your current testing phase.

  1. Inspect the POST Data Review the payload you are sending. Ensure all required fields are included and correctly formatted:
$post_data = json_encode($paytmParams, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
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Here, the paytmParams should have the correct structure and all necessary data. You've included body and head sections which is correct.

  1. HTTP Headers Ensure that the HTTP headers are appropriately set. Your headers seem correct for sending JSON data:
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json"));
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  1. Check for SSL Issues Sometimes, SSL certificate verification could cause issues, especially in local or staging environments:
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
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Note: Setting CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER to false is useful for debugging but should not be used in production due to security concerns.

  1. Execution and Error Reporting You correctly execute the cURL session and fetch errors:
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$err = curl_error($ch);
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If curl_exec fails, curl_error should give you a string containing the error which occurred during the last cURL operation.

  1. Close the cURL Session Always ensure the cURL handle is closed after its use:
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  1. Logging Your logs should provide detailed insights. Make sure you review these logs:
Log::info("Curl Response: " . json_encode($response));
Log::info("Curl Error: " . $err);
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If $err is not empty, it will tell you what went wrong.

  1. Server Configuration Ensure that your server is configured to allow outgoing HTTP requests and there are no firewalls or security modules (like SELinux) blocking these requests.

Debugging Tips

  1. Temporarily add detailed logging at each step to see what values you are getting.
  2. Test the API call using a tool like Postman to ensure the API is responding correctly to your expected inputs . By following these steps, you should be able to pinpoint the source of the error. If the issue persists, the exact error message stored in $err would be crucial to further diagnose the problem.

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