Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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How to sort by alphabetical flutter app?

Sort list items in ascending order
Sort list items in descending order
How to reverse a list in dart

Here is an example of sorting all the items of a list in ascending order. We are using sort() function directly to implement it.

Code Example

List alphabets = ['John', 'Albert', 'Carol', 'Hooli'];

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['Albert', 'Carol', 'Hooli', 'John']
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We will be using sort() and compareTo() functions to sort the list elements in descending order. See the below code example for refernce.

Code Example

List alphabets = ['John', 'Albert', 'Carol', 'Hooli'];

alphabets.sort((b, a) => a.compareTo(b));
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['John', 'Hooli', 'Carol', 'Albert']
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How to reverse a list in dart

To revese a list in Dart, we have one inbuilt property called reversed. This property returns one iterable of the items in the list in reversed order. We can convert the iterable to a list using toList method.

Below is the definition of reversed :

Iterable<E> get reversed;
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Example of reversing a list in Dart:
Let’s check how this property works :

void main() {
  var list = new List();

  var reversed = list.reversed;
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If you run this Dart program, it will print the below output:

[1, 2, 3]
[3, 2, 1]
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