Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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Linux:How do I set MYSQL environment variable in Ubuntu?


So I installed XAMPP (in Ubuntu), and it was successful,

the location of MYSQL is on, /opt/lampp/bin/mysql, and so I have to include the entire path to access mysql as seen below:


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$/opt/lampp/bin/mysql -u root -p

And it can login.

But using just "mysql" isn't working; it says not found.

Can you give me an idea on how to set env't variable for mysql?

New in Ubuntu. help? :(
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in your home directory there's a file called .bash_profile (use ls -la to see it because files starting with . are by default hidden

There will probably already be a line similar to this one:

Change it to

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In root vi .bashsrc

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export PATH=$PATH:/opt/lampp/bin
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other than root user

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Set db name,username and pwd

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Another Method

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