Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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query builder in node js

How to get random question

const feedbacks = await QuestionModel.aggregate([{ $sample: { size: 1 } }]);

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How to get random question based on permission

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How to get all data

const questions = await QuestionModel.find({})
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How to get single data

 const existingUser = await FeedbackModel.findOne({ email });
  const existingquestion = await FeedbackModel.findOne({ questionid });
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How to get all objectsid and questionid of multiple objects
from collections where specific mail matched

  const users = await FeedbackModel.find({ email:id }, { questionid: 1 });
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How to get all question id of multiple objects of multiple collections where specific mail matched

  const users = await FeedbackModel.find({ email:id }, { questionid: 1 });

  const questionIds = => user.questionid);
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How to get single objects of collections where following array of question is not present

const feedback = await QuestionModel.findOne({ questionid: { $nin: questionIds } });
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How to count all row from single collection

const length = await QuestionModel.countDocuments()
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How to save or insert the data in node js

const result = await QuestionModel.create(values)
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Fetches the last (most recent)/latest document from the collection

const lastObject = await QuestionModel.findOne().sort({ _id: -1 }).exec()
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How to Update data

const updatedClient = await QuestionModel.findByIdAndUpdate(_id, values, {
  new: true,
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const { Question,  answerone, answertwo, answerthree, answerfour,checkone,checktwo,checkthree,checkfour,textanswer,email,userId,questionid} =
const myanswer=checkone?'answerone' + "-" + checkone:checktwo?'answertwo' + "-" + checktwo:checkthree?'answerthree' + "-" + checkthree:'answerfour' + "-" + checkfour;
 const existingq = await FeedbackModel.findOne({ questionid });

            existingq.checkone=[... existingq.checkone,myanswer]
            existingq.textanswer=[... existingq.textanswer,textanswer]
            feedback= await FeedbackModel.findByIdAndUpdate(existingq._id,existingq,{new:true})
                  res.status(200).json({ feedback }) 

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How to get data where more than one condition matched

const clientAlreadyExist = await ClientModel.find({
    email: email,
    company_name: companyName,
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const questionsList = await QuestionModel.find({
  createdAt: {
    $gte: startDateTime,
    $lte: endDateTime,
}).select("question questionid -_id");
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  const feedback = await QuestionModel.findOne({
  $and: [
    { questionid: { $nin: questionIds } },
    { permission: 1 }
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How to count the all no of objects from collection where some particular condition matched

const totalUser = await ClientModel.countDocuments(query)
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Counting the number of products with a specific category:

const count = await ProductModel.countDocuments({ category: 'electronics' });
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Counting the number of users with a specific role:

const count = await UserModel.countDocuments({ role: 'admin' });
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Counting the number of orders with a specific status:

const count = await OrderModel.countDocuments({ status: 'completed' });
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Counting the number of books published in a specific year:

const count = await BookModel.countDocuments({ year: 2022 });
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Counting the number of customers with a specific age range:

const count = await CustomerModel.countDocuments({ age: { $gte: 18, $lte: 30 } });
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Counting the number of posts with a specific tag:

const count = await PostModel.countDocuments({ tags: 'technology' });
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Counting the number of students enrolled in a specific course:

const count = await EnrollmentModel.countDocuments({ course: 'mathematics' });
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Counting the number of products with a price greater than a certain value:

const count = await ProductModel.countDocuments({ price: { $gt: 100 } });
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Counting the number of tasks assigned to a specific user:

const count = await TaskModel.countDocuments({ assignedTo: 'John Doe' });
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Counting the number of comments with a specific word in the content:

const count = await CommentModel.countDocuments({ content: /great/ });
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OR Operator

Counting the number of products with either category "electronics" or "clothing":

const count = await ProductModel.countDocuments({
  $or: [{ category: 'electronics' }, { category: 'clothing' }]
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Counting the number of users with either role "admin" or "manager":

const count = await UserModel.countDocuments({
  $or: [{ role: 'admin' }, { role: 'manager' }]
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Counting the number of orders with either status "completed" or "shipped":

const count = await OrderModel.countDocuments({
  $or: [{ status: 'completed' }, { status: 'shipped' }]
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Counting the number of books published either in the year 2022 or 2023:

const count = await BookModel.countDocuments({
  $or: [{ year: 2022 }, { year: 2023 }]
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Counting the number of customers with either age greater than 30 or less than 18:

const count = await CustomerModel.countDocuments({
  $or: [{ age: { $gt: 30 } }, { age: { $lt: 18 } }]
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Counting the number of posts with either tag "technology" or "science":

const count = await PostModel.countDocuments({
  $or: [{ tags: 'technology' }, { tags: 'science' }]
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Counting the number of students enrolled either in the course "mathematics" or "physics":

const count = await EnrollmentModel.countDocuments({
  $or: [{ course: 'mathematics' }, { course: 'physics' }]
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Counting the number of products with either price greater than 100 or less than 50:

const count = await ProductModel.countDocuments({
  $or: [{ price: { $gt: 100 } }, { price: { $lt: 50 } }]
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Counting the number of tasks assigned to either "John Doe" or "Jane Smith":

const count = await TaskModel.countDocuments({
  $or: [{ assignedTo: 'John Doe' }, { assignedTo: 'Jane Smith' }]
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Counting the number of comments with either word "great" or "awesome" in the content:

const count = await CommentModel.countDocuments({
  $or: [{ content: /great/ }, { content: /awesome/ }]
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and operataor

Counting the number of products with category "electronics" and price greater than $500:

const count = await ProductModel.countDocuments({
  $and: [{ category: 'electronics' }, { price: { $gt: 500 } }]
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Counting the number of users with role "admin" and age greater than 25:

const count = await UserModel.countDocuments({
  $and: [{ role: 'admin' }, { age: { $gt: 25 } }]
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Counting the number of orders with status "completed" and total amount greater than $1000:

const count = await OrderModel.countDocuments({
  $and: [{ status: 'completed' }, { totalAmount: { $gt: 1000 } }]
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use of skip and limit

 const clients = await ClientModel.find(query).skip(startIndex).limit(limit)
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Get the first 10 users:

const users = await UserModel.find().limit(10);
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Get the next 10 users after skipping the first 10:

const users = await UserModel.find().skip(10).limit(10);
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Get the first 5 products in the "electronics" category:

const products = await ProductModel.find({ category: "electronics" }).limit(5);
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Get the next 5 products in the "electronics" category after skipping the first 5:

const products = await ProductModel.find({ category: "electronics" }).skip(5).limit(5);
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Get the first 20 orders with a status of "completed":

const orders = await OrderModel.find({ status: "completed" }).limit(20);
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Get the next 20 orders with a status of "completed" after skipping the first 20:

const orders = await OrderModel.find({ status: "completed" }).skip(20).limit(20);
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Get the first 50 posts created by the user with the ID "12345":

const posts = await PostModel.find({ createdBy: "12345" }).limit(50);
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Get the next 50 posts created by the user with the ID "12345" after skipping the first 50:

const posts = await PostModel.find({ createdBy: "12345" }).skip(50).limit(50);
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Get the first 100 comments with a rating greater than 4:

const comments = await CommentModel.find({ rating: { $gt: 4 } }).limit(100);
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Get the next 100 comments with a rating greater than 4 after skipping the first 100:

const comments = await CommentModel.find({ rating: { $gt: 4 } }).skip(100).limit(100);
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How to update in collection

const updatedClient = await ClientModel.findByIdAndUpdate(_id, values, {
    new: true,
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How to select some particulars object from collections

const client = await ClientModel.find({}).select("company_name -_id")
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 const users = await User.find({ role: "developer" }).select("_id email name")
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How to find by id or objectid

 const worklog = await Worklog.findById(id)
  const project = await Project.findById(worklog.projectId)
  const task = await Task.findById(worklog.taskId)
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How to delete by id

const deletedWorklog = await Worklog.findByIdAndDelete(id)
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How to extract array value from key value pair

const role = { questionId: 6 };
const questionId = role.questionId;
console.log(questionId); // Output: 6
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How to insert or update single field in multiple object of single collection
How to get single field in multiple object of single collection
How to count no of object where particular condition staisfied

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How to insert or update single field in single object of single collection
How to get single object where some condition matched collection

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More Example of updateone and updatemany

const YourModel = require('./YourModel'); // Import your Mongoose model

const insertNewField = async () => {
  try {
    await YourModel.updateMany({ role: 'admin' }, { $set: { newField: 'value' } });
    console.log('New field inserted successfully.');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error inserting new field:', error);


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const YourModel = require('./YourModel'); // Import your Mongoose model

const insertNewField = async () => {
  try {
    await YourModel.updateOne({ role: 'admin' }, { $set: { newField: 'value' } });
    console.log('New field inserted successfully.');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error inserting new field:', error);


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const updatedFields = {
  field1: 'value1',
  field2: 'value2',
  field3: 'value3'
  const filter = { questionId: 6 };
  const update = { $set: updatedFields };

  const result = await YourModel.updateOne(filter, update);

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const insertNewField = async () => {
  try {
    await YourModel.updateOne({ questionId: 6 }, { $set: { newField: 'value' } });
    console.log('New field inserted successfully.');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error inserting new field:', error);

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const YourModel = require('./YourModel'); // Import your Mongoose model

const insertNewField = async (role) => {
  try {
    await YourModel.updateOne(role, { $set: { newField: 'value' } });
    console.log('New field inserted successfully.');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error inserting new field:', error);

const role = { questionId: 6 };
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const YourModel = require('./YourModel'); // Import your Mongoose model

const insertNewField = async () => {
  try {
    const filter = { questionId: 6 };
    const update = { newField: 'value' };

    await YourModel.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update);
    console.log('New field inserted successfully.');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error inserting new field:', error);

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const YourModel = require('./yourModel'); // Replace with your model

const fieldName = 'newField';
const fieldValue = 'newValue';

// Update documents that don't have the new field
  { newField: { $exists: false } },
  { $set: { [fieldName]: fieldValue } },
  (err, result) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      console.log(`${result.nModified} documents updated`);
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left join or aggregate operator

 const myfeedback = await FeedbackModel.aggregate([
          $match: { questionid: number }
          $lookup: {
            from: 'users', 
            localField: 'email',
            foreignField: 'email',
            as: 'joinedData'
          $addFields: {
            name: { $arrayElemAt: ['$', 0] }
            // Replace 'fieldName' with the actual field name from the 'users' collection you want to include
        // {
        //   $project:{
        //     joinedData:1
        //   }
        // }
      const mydata = await FeedbackModel.find({ questionid: item }, { email: 1, _id: 0 }).exec();
     const emails = =>;
      const feedbacks = await User.find({ email: { $in: emails } }, { name: 1, _id: 0 }).exec();
      const feedback = =>;
      res.status(200).json({ myfeedback ,feedback: feedback})
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const getAlluserTicket = async (req, res) => {
  // const tickets = await Ticket.find({ closed: false })
  console.log("all tickets")
  try {
    const searchQuery = || ""
    const query = { company_name: { $regex: searchQuery, $options: "i" } }
    const page = parseInt( || 1
    const limit = parseInt(req.query.limit) || 10
    const startIndex = (page - 1) * limit
    const lastIndex = page * limit
    const totalUser = await Ticket.countDocuments(query)
    const pageCount = Math.ceil(totalUser / limit)
    const ticket =await Ticket.aggregate([
        $match: {
          user: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.user._id),
        $lookup: {
          from: "users",
          localField: "user",
          foreignField: "_id",
          as: "userName",
        $project: {
          description: 1,
          "": 1,
    const tickets = {
      result: ticket,
    if (lastIndex < totalUser) { = {
        page: page + 1,
    if (startIndex > 0) {
      tickets.prev = {
        page: page - 1,
    res.status(200).json({ tickets })
  } catch (err) {
    return res.json({ status: false, message: err })
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