Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

Posted on

Tensor flow Attribute Error

yesterday when i run the command i got error

my code is

import tensorflow as tf

# Define TensorFlow operations
a = tf.constant(2)
b = tf.constant(3)
c = tf.add(a, b)  # Addition operation

# Run the TensorFlow operations inside a session
with tf.Session() as sess:
    result =
    print("Result:", result)
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AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[7], line 9
      6 c = tf.add(a, b)  # Addition operation
      8 # Run the TensorFlow operations inside a session
----> 9 with tf.Session() as sess:
     10     result =
     11     print("Result:", result)

AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'Session'
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It seems like you're trying to run TensorFlow 1.x code in an environment with TensorFlow 2.x installed. In TensorFlow 2.x, the session-based execution has been replaced with eager execution by default, and the tf.Session() class is no longer available.

To fix the error, you have two options:

Enable Eager Execution (TensorFlow 2.x):
With eager execution enabled, TensorFlow operations are executed immediately and you don't need to explicitly create a session.Here's your code modified for TensorFlow 2.x with eager execution:

import tensorflow as tf

# Define TensorFlow operations
a = tf.constant(2)
b = tf.constant(3)
c = tf.add(a, b)  # Addition operation

# Run the TensorFlow operations
result = c.numpy()  # Convert TensorFlow tensor to NumPy array
print("Result:", result)
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Result: 5

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