Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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Use of in_array within a foreach loop for data filtering in Laravel applications.

check single value present in array
Apply in_array after split string using explode

The in_array function in PHP is used to check if a given value exists in an array. It returns true if the value is found in the array, and false otherwise. Here's a simple explanation along with an example:


bool in_array ( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict = FALSE ] )
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$needle: The value to search for.
$haystack: The array to search in.
$strict (optional): If true, the function will also check the types of the values.

// Sample array
$fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape'];

// Check if 'banana' is in the array
if (in_array('banana', $fruits)) {
    echo 'Found!';
} else {
    echo 'Not found!';
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In this example:

  1. The $fruits array contains several fruit names.
  2. The in_array function is used to check if the value 'banana' is present in the array.
  3. Since 'banana' is in the array, the condition is true, and it will echo 'Found!

You can also use the optional third parameter $strict to enforce strict type checking. If set to true, the function will also check the types of the values. For example:

// Sample array with mixed types

$mixedArray = [1, 'apple', 3.14, 'banana'];

// Check if 3 is in the array (without strict type checking)
if (in_array(3, $mixedArray)) {
    echo 'Found!';
} else {
    echo 'Not found!';

// Check if 3 is in the array (with strict type checking)
if (in_array(3, $mixedArray, true)) {
    echo 'Found!';
} else {
    echo 'Not found!';
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In this case, without strict type checking, the first check returns true because the value 3 is loosely equal to the string '3.14'. With strict type checking, the second check returns false because it considers the type as well.

Practical Example

Data received via AJAX:

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Apply in_array after split string using explode
we need two different array as parameter for in_array
convert dynamic request to array using explode
take another array as hardcode or pluck-->toarray from db
then apply in_array

 $selectedSocials = explode(',', $request->selected_socials);
                    $socialSites = ['face_price','twitter_price','youtube_price', 'wordpress_price', 'tumblr_price','instagram_price','quora_price', 'pintrest_price','reddit_price','koo_price','scoopit_price','slashdot_price', 'telegram_price','linkedin_price'];
                    foreach ($socialSites as $socialSite) {
                        // Check if the social site is in $selectedSocials
                        if (in_array($socialSite, $selectedSocials)) {
                              $addCart = new addcart;
                               $addCart->admin_id = $admins_id;
                                $addCart->cart_id = $cartID;
                                $addCart->influencer_admin_id = $addprofile->user_id;
                                $addCart->admin_email = $admins_email;
                                $addCart->user_name = $user_name;
                                 $addCart->slug = $slug;
                                $addCart->influencer_email = $influencer_email; 
                                 $addCart->{$socialSite} = $payments->{$socialSite} ?? 0;
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Practical Example
Wap to display button text based on other table field presense

  $addcartdata = addcart::pluck('influencer_admin_id')->toarray();
    $influencerIds = empty($addcartdata) ? [] : $addcartdata;
 return view('pages.influencersd',compact('paginator','previousPageUrl','influencerIds','nextPageUrl','filteredData','currentURL'));
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In blade file

 @if ($valueAfterColon == 'yes' && auth()->user()->email == $parts[0]  && in_array($item->user_id, $influencerIds))

                            <button type="submit"  
                             class="btn btn-sm  btn-primary" style="position: relative;float:right">Added</button> 
                            <button id="callmyAjaxButton" class="btn btn-sm  btn-primary mr-2"   data-id="{{ $item->id }}"   style="position: relative;float:right" onclick="mySocialClick(this, event)">Add cart</button>                                                 
                            <button id="callAjaxButton" class="btn btn-sm  btn-primary mr-2"   data-id="{{ $item->id }}"   style="position: relative;float:right" onclick="myButtonClick(this, event)">View Price</button>  
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